Chapter 30

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Madhu stood at the front of the conference room with a large oak table stretching out before her. The complementing chairs were filled with the employees. She adjusted her hair already to address the concerns that had been bubbling beneath the surface for some time now. It was time to discuss the changes that needed to be made within the company.
"Good morning, everyone," she started, "I appreciate your presence today. We have gathered to discuss some important changes that are needed within our team. I want to create an environment where we can all thrive and work together efficiently."
The room was abuzz with whispers. Madhu glanced around and offered a reassuring smile. She had always believed in open communication, and in addressing concerns head-on.
"I am your new HR manager," she informed them impromptu. I've heard some issues that have been bothering you. I encourage you to be honest and open about the changes needed. This is a safe space, and your feedback matters."
A few employees exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of hesitation and confusion. Then, a hand went up.
"Mam, if I may," an employee raised his hand, clearing his throat. "It's not about the work itself, but about the atmosphere. We've been facing some challenges in our interactions with Mr Vikram. He's been rude, condescending and it's affecting our morale."
A few nods of agreement rippled through the room, and Madhu's heart sank as she knew exactly what he was talking about. Vikram always struggled with his temper and inflicted damage on others with his words. Even though she already knew it and tasted his ego, she hoped that he would change as he had promised her.
Madhu took a moment to address the concern. How would she defend Vikram's behaviour? She took a deep breath and looked at the staff around her.
"I can understand you all and I appreciate your honesty," Madhu replied, her voice unwavering. "I want you to know that I'm aware of the challenges you have faced due to Vikram's behaviour. If I am transparent with you, he has flaws and can be difficult to deal with at times."
The room was silent, everyone focused solely on her. Madhu could either openly acknowledge her husband's shortcomings or sweep them under the rug.
"But," Madhu continued, her voice growing firmer, "it's important to remember that we're here to focus on our work and the goals we've set for our hospital. I know Vikram's demeanour can be odd, but he had a tough time in the past. He is committed to making this place a productive and positive environment for all of you."
A murmur of agreement spread through the room, and Madhu could see the mixed reactions on her employees' faces. Some nodded in understanding, while others exchanged sceptical glances.
"This might not be the answer you were hoping for," Madhu added, her tone empathetic. "But I want to remind you that we have an opportunity to rise above these challenges. Let's channel our energy into our projects, rather than complaining. Together, we can create a strong team."
She paused, letting her words sink inside the room. Madhu had asked her employees to set aside their grievances and focus on their work. But she believed that her team was capable of achieving great things.
"As we move forward, I encourage you to come to me with your concerns and ideas for improvement," Madhu concluded, her voice carrying a note of hope. "I am committed to making positive changes within our team, and I'm open to your input every step of the way. Let's work together to make our workplace a place where we can all thrive."
The room erupted into a smattering of applause. As a new HR manager, she gained the support of some of her employees. Madhu's heart swelled with a mix of pride and determination. She knew that the journey ahead wouldn't be easy but she was willing to try for a year.
In her cabin, Madhu felt a sense of relief. Vikram sat in front of her, fidgeting with the paperweight on the table. With a deep breath, she questioned him, "Still about Karishma?"
"Nope," he began gently, "I had a conversation with some of our employees today."
She watched his reaction carefully.
He smiled, "I am happy that you started to trust me, Madhu. I promise to keep it up."
"They have been feeling uneasy about your attitude," Madhu shrugged. "As an employer, you shouldn't do that to them."
"Madhu. I didn't care about this place after that day..." he broke it down. "I didn't worry about their feelings."
She sighed, leaning back in his chair, "Don't disregard anybody's emotions. It's of no good."
"I had no idea," he admitted with regret. "I never meant to come across that way."
Madhu reached out to his hand, offering a reassuring smile. "I know, Vikran. You are willing to improve. That's a big step in the right direction."
He nodded, absorbing her words. "You're right," he said softly. "I need to make things right."
Madhu's eyes softened with affection. "It's a wonderful decision. I believe in you."
He looked up at her, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Madhu. I don't know what would have happened without you..."
As the conversation settled, there was a brief pause, during which Madhu hesitated to share about Niyati. It had been weighing on her mind for a day. The words seemed to get stuck in her throat, considering Krish.
"Is there something else on your mind, Madhu?" Vikran asked gently, noticing her expression.
She took a deep breath, "No."
But in her heart, she was nervously conversing about Niyati.
Vikram nodded.
"How is Krish doing?" she began. "I haven't heard of him lately..."
"Oh! He is on an official trip to Delhi," Vikram informed her. "Why do you fancy him suddenly?"
"Yikes!" she made faces. "You guys are like wall and paint. It's been a week since he appeared with you."
"He found a girl," Vikram said and snorted. "He stopped receiving my calls. I called him to Bangalore but he couldn't come."
Madhu rolled her eyes and stopped herself from saying anything inappropriate. Niyati's decision to love Krish seemed foolish to her.

Amidst the soothing ambience of the cosy night, the stars twinkled in the sky. Madhu had just had dinner and planned to talk with Niyati and change her mind.
"Hey," Niyati panted for breath, "Did you talk with Vikki?"
Madhu locked her eyes on Niyati and sighed, "Listen, Niyati. It's not going to be easy as you think. I've enquired about his recent activities and I hate to break it to you that he isn't going to change."
Niyati sighed, "What do you mean, Madhu? He is in Delhi to focus on training."
Madhu's lips curved into a sympathetic smile. "Do you know how he's been spending time with a girl?"
Niyati's brows furrowed as she recalled his cryptic social media posts, "I've seen a girl's hand on one of his posts. It made to have a brawl with him."
Madhu leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Niyati, he's been quite cosy with her and he even ignores Vikram these days."
A mixture of disbelief and disappointment welled up within Niyati. "I can't believe this. He must be serious with her..."
Madhu shrugged, "I can't conclude anything, Niyati. I have to tell you that he isn't your type. Think of your dad before deciding anything foolishly." 
Niyati's heart sank further. Her dad's opinion held immense value to her, "If Vikram has reservations about Krish, how could I ignore those concerns?"
Madhu's hand reached out to gently cover Niyati's. " Vikram cares about you, Niyati. And I don't want to see you get hurt in the name of love. That's why I'm urging you to reconsider your feelings for Krish. I'm giving you one month to erase him from your mind."
Niyati blinked back a tear and looked into Madhu's eyes, her gratitude and sadness intertwining. "One month? That sounds so short."
"What one month?" Vikram stood before them with a questioning glance. Niyati and Madhu were beyond shocked at him.
"Nothing," Niyati said meekly.
"It's about the time I am giving you to change," Madhu said. "Why are you here?"
Vikram eyed them suspiciously, "I want to go to the beach. Can you come with me?"
Madhu agreed and went with him, parting ways with Niyati.
Niyati fixed her gaze on the distant horizon. She couldn't forget him. Her eyes welled up with tears as her heart wrestled with the truth.
"Why me?" she lamented to herself.


The faded brightness of the moon cast a white glow over the waves as Madhu and Vikram strolled hand in hand along the shoreline of Juhu Beach. The rhythmic sound from the waves and the uniform flow of water provided a soothing backdrop to their nighttime walk.
Vikram felt a little talkative as he shared about his past, especially the happier parts.
"I have shot all of the balloons once," he shared. "It was when Niyati challenged me and I won!"
His animated storytelling had Madhu hanging onto the story. Time seemed to melt away as they wandered the sandy shore. Eventually, their steps led them to a quiet spot on the beach where they sat on the sand. The distant city lights created a romantic ambience, casting a warm glow over their faces.
Madhu leaned back, gazing up at the constellations. "It's mesmerizing."
Vikram agreed. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the sound of their breathing mingling with the rustling of the waves. Finally, he broke the stillness, "I feel like I've shared parts of my life with you that I've never really spoken about."
She turned to him, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. "I'm glad that you are comfortable with me."
He hesitated for a moment, "There's something different about today. Being with you has made my worries fade away."
Her heart skipped a beat, "I'm happy that you feel that way."
He reached out her hand, "Madhu, I've known this beach for so long but tonight feels like the first time I'm here. Maybe it's my rebirth."
Their hands intertwined and a shiver ran down Madhu's spine at the touch of his warm skin against hers. The air around had an unspoken connection. There was tension building up inside her stomach.
She looked at his eyes and the world around her disappeared. The sound of the waves and the distant city lights, all faded into insignificance as he leaned in on her lips for a tender kiss. Time seemed to stand still as their lips brushed against each other. It was a gentle confusion between friendship and relationship. The brief kiss lingered for a minute or less and they pulled away slowly.
"Sorry, I mustn't have done that," he whispered to her. She breathed steadily after a moment.
"Me too," she confessed in embarrassment, "Can we go home? I want to sleep."
She felt nervous around him. The weight of their unspoken feelings burdened her a lot.
"Sure!" he said softly, "Do you feel guilty?"
Madhu looked at him with a racing heart, "I know what you mean. We must not let our hearts wander like this in a contract marriage. I'm not sure where we stand anymore."
He cupped her cheek,  "We don't need to decide anything right now. Let time progress and see where it takes us."
Their eyes locked once again and Madhu felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety. But at that moment, her doubts faded away, replaced by the thrill of a new beginning.
Though they decided to go home, they sat, gazing at the vast expanse of the ocean. That night held more than just stories of laughter. It paved a potential way for something deeper that neither of them had anticipated.

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