Chapter 31

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Madhu lay on her side of the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She couldn't erase his face zooming in front of her for a kiss. It was something unexpected, considering their recent altercation over his attitude. She felt it was a bit rushed. She replayed the moment in her mind the way his lips tenderly brushed against hers.
She ordered her mind to shut up.
A shiver of excitement ran down her spine as she recalled the scene yet again. The way her hormones built up with that simple kiss. She had kissed her ex-boyfriend a lot of times but Vikram was that man who had changed for her instead of divorcing her then and there.
Her fingers unconsciously reached up to her lips as if to confirm that it had happened. As the minutes ticked by, her mind conflicted from happiness. Their marriage was nothing more than a contract to satisfy the demands of their families. The warmth of the kiss contrasted sharply with the cold reality of their contract marriage.
Yet that kiss had stirred something within her that she hadn't anticipated. It was a crack that had formed in the walls she had carefully built around her heart. She knew him too well: his ego and arrogance.
But he had promised to change, hadn't he?
Could she believe that he truly would make their marriage work beyond the contract?
A simple business arrangement was slowly evolving into a complex entanglement she had never asked for. She pulled the sheets closer, feeling a chill not just in the air, but deep within her. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, hoping sleep would provide respite from her inner turmoil. But her mind wandered into the future, painting vivid scenes of what could be.
She envisioned moments of laughter, shared secrets, stolen glances and perhaps even genuine affection. Two or three kids walking with them, them giggling and bantering. The image of them walking hand in hand as they witness the sunset brought a fleeting smile to her lips.
Yet, amidst those daydreams, the sensible voice in her mind reminded her of their contract, a marriage of convenience, a pretence to protect their inheritance. The weight of loans of her father pressed down on her, making it hard to breathe.
Madhu wondered if she was being naive in that issue if she was merely caught up in an imaginary romantic notion with him. She shifted in her bed in turmoil within her mind. The choices before her seemed to stretch into infinity.
Meanwhile, on his side of the bed, Vikram stared up at the ceiling with messed-up thoughts. He had been surprised by his impulsiveness when leaned in to kiss Madhu. It had been a reflex to the look in her eyes as she made him happy.
He couldn't deny that Madhu had caught him off guard. He had expected her to be like Karishma but he was wrong. She challenged him with elegance and he started to lose himself in that challenge.
As the minutes stretched into hours, Vikram's mind kept repeating the promise he had made to change into a better person. What if he would become a better
The clock on the bedside table ticked away and the bed constantly jiggled at the other side. He knew that she couldn't sleep too. He had made her uncomfortable with that kiss.
"Vikram?" she called for him gently.
He turned his head towards her, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. "Yes?"
"I... I could not sleep here," Madhu began, her voice wavering slightly. "Can I go and sleep on the couch?"
Vikram nodded reluctantly, "I understand your fear, Madhu. I won't disturb you for anything. Feel free to sleep on the bed comfortably. You are just healing..."
Madhu sighed once and turned away.
He reached out to her hand, "Would you give me a chance if I change?"
Madhu looked into his eyes in confusion.
"Will you?" he thought that she knew what he meant.
She understood his words too. She couldn't share any more tender moments with him as she feared to trust him. Her emotional state was like a maze that she lost herself in finding it.
"I don't know," she said and turned away. Her heart ached as she grappled with the fear that she was falling for him, faster than her eyes could see. In the silence of the night, they found themselves at that entrance of something unexpected.


Krish walked into the administrative building of Rao's healthcare building, perspiring with the late August warmth. It should've been rainy season but the climatic conditions were fucked up by pollution.
It had been a while since he met his best friend. He felt miserable for not being there for Vikram during the Bangalore visit. He hadn't enquired about the health of Madhu, especially after the shootout that had shaken his friend.
He paused outside her office door, stabilised his breath and knocked on the door lightly.
"Come in," Madhu replied inside the room.
Krish stepped inside, his eyes immediately finding Madhu sitting at her desk with files. She looked up in surprise and smiled at him widely, "Krish! What brings you here?"
He approached her desk, "It had been a week since I met you both in person. Just wanted to check on my friend and make sure you didn't murder him."
Madhu snorted like a donkey.
He nervously fidgeted with the edge of his jacket. "I was worried that you won't come back."
Madhu's expression changed from a smile to a flat face.
"Thanks that you are here,"  he thanked her sincerely. "He had already been bruised deeply by his ex..."
"I know about her," Madhu confessed. "Vikram told everything."
"Oh!?" Krish opened his mouth.
Madhu shrugged, "I believe in second chances, Krish. Even though Vikram was an asshole to me, he was sincere when he promised me."
A small smile tugged at the corner of Krish's lips. "You have a big heart, Madhu. Not everyone would be so forgiving."
She shrugged, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "We all make mistakes, Krish. It's how we rectify them."
His gaze dropped to the floor for a moment before he looked up at her again. "Madhu, there's something else I wanted to talk to you about. It's about the contract marriage with Vikram."
Madhu leaned back in her chair, studying Krish's face intently, "Go on."
"I know you both are doing this for the inheritance and family," Krish began carefully. "But I also know that Vikram is a good guy. He genuinely cares about you, Madhu. And I think he deserves a chance to prove himself as a life partner."
Madhu's eyes softened, "Krish, I know that you care for us. I have to consider various factors. Vikram might be a good person but marriage is a huge step that I want to think about and resume with him."
"I understand that," Krish replied, his voice earnest. "But sometimes, we're so focused on our plans that we forget to listen to our hearts. You deserve happiness, Madhu and Vikram will be the ones to give you that."
Madhu's gaze held his for a moment, "He is your friend after all."
Krish made faces at her, "I care about you too."
She looked at the laptop, "How was the trip?"
He smiled sheepishly, "I was awarded the best athlete!"
Madhu took her eyes from the screen and passed a surprised stare, "Well! Congrats!! You should have told me this information first!"
Krish waved his head, "It was nothing for me."
Madhu tapped gently on her desk, "I heard that you are interested in a  girl..."
"Niyati told you..." he commented. "I met her in her college and she behaved rudely. She told that I can't decide about anything... Blah blah."
Madhu shrugged, "You have such a reputation, Krish. Then what happened? Did she become normal?"
Even though she knew what happened, she wanted to know Krish and understand his view.
His breath caught in his throat. He took a step closer to her desk, "She's... She's been acting weird lately. I don't think I know this kind of Niyati. I don't like her controlling part of me. She told me that she won't care about my love life. She isn't my friend anymore."
Madhu saw a mixture of sadness and doubt in his gaze. "Is that new girl worth your time?"
He nodded, "Yes. I feel she is the one. Even though we haven't told it out, I think she will accept my love."
"Love? Are you serious at least this time?" she chuckled at him.
A small frown tugged at Krish's forehead, "I am... Okay, I will meet Vikram and go. Rethink the divorce."
As he left her office, she felt a sense of guilt. Krish made her rethink her priorities between Vikram and divorce. She might find that happiness with Vikram, which she always wanted to have.


In the quiet of the night, the soft blow of breeze wafted across the room as she combed her hair with reflections of the day. She felt a mix of emotions, unsure of how to navigate the intricacies of her feelings for Vikram.
"Hey, Madhu," Vikram leaned against the doorframe with a curious expression, "Did you meet Krish ?"
Madhu placed the comb at the dressing table, "Yes, I did," she replied, "he dropped by unexpectedly."
Vikram came inside the room and removed his wristwatch, "You seem lost in thought."
Madhu took a deep breath and began slowly, "Vikram, he mentioned something important."
Vikram creased his forehead slightly, "What did he say?"
Madhu struggled to convey the depth of her thoughts. "He advised me not to divorce you."
Vikram's interest was piqued. "Oh? What did you reply?"
Madhu's gaze drifted, her fingers unconsciously fiddling with the items on the dressing table, "What I should have told him? You tell me."  
He hesitated with no opinion. "I am surprised that he advises you."
A small nod from Madhu, her fingers now resting against her chin. "His new relationship would have made him responsible. Whatever... He made me think, Vikram. About the peace that can come from marriage."
Vikram moved closer to her. She saw him from the mirror, "I know we've had our share of ups and downs but I believe in mutual respect and... love."
He gave her a quizzical look.
"Hey, hey! I don't love you..." she blurted hastily. "I feel that it will be tough for me to find another love. Why can't we adjust with each other?"
He looked at her with an intense gaze, "Why not? If there's a chance for us to be happy together, at peace, I'm willing to work for it."
Madhu met his gaze, her eyes reflecting hope and uncertainty, "I want to believe in us, Vikram. I want to give this a chance."
Later they sat on the couch, Vikram leaned in closer to Madhu. "After talking to Krish, I got a glimpse into his world as well."
Madhu agreed, "The new love is making him into another person."
A bittersweet smile tugged at Vikram's lips, "Yes, he spoke well of her. He cares a lot."
Madhu's heart twinged with empathy for Niyati.
Vikram's gaze met hers, "Are you thinking of something?"
Madhu sighed, her fingers entwining with Vikram's. "We've been through so much, haven't we?"
Vikram nodded, his grip on her hand tightening. "Yes, we have. Maybe, we can create something beautiful in future."
"Hmm," she nodded and drifted to Niyati. She knew it wouldn't be good if she told him about her. Also, it wouldn't be good to let Niyati suffer alone.
Vikram's gaze softened, "Don't you see a future with me?"
Madhu hesitated, "I'm not sure."
He held her gaze, "I believe that with time and effort, we can mend what's broken."

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