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We used to be the six wives of Henry VIII, but now we are just Six. Six the girl band.

Last year we premiered our pop band with a concert in the heart of the Queendom. It didn't quite go as planned, but everyone, including us, loved it, so we showed the same concert all around the world. Or, the afterlife world.

You see, when women die, they go to the Queendom, where they live for eternity. It's pretty much just a free world. There is no money -- you just have to ask permission to build things or do other big things from the Queendom Council, which has one elected council member per century of women who are in the Queendom.  You can live in a Tudor-style castle or a modern mansion, whatever you want. You can have a job or not. The only laws are that you can't be disrespectful or violent to anyone, and if you break that law, you have to have a job for a specified amount of time. Years don't exist in the Queendom, it is just a cycle of seasons, all named after a herstorical figure. So, any woman that dies in any time period goes to the same version of the afterlife, which has varied areas of technological advancement. Some neighborhoods are designed to replicate different eras, like the Ancient era, the medieval era, etc. But most of it is modernized, though everyone has their own ways of living. Some of us are more traditional to our time period, but most of us aren't, since we're tired of the sexism from our time. Our world works a lot better than Earth, since, well, there's no men. So, it's pretty much an all-female party, 24/7.

Once they arrived, Aragon and Boleyn argued, both over social media and in person, for years. Seymour moved in with Aragon pretty soon after she arrived. Howard moved in with Boleyn, since they're cousins. These two groups fought often, arguing about who had it worst from Henry and about other beef that went on on Earth. Cleves and Parr, who were secretly friends on Earth, found each other quickly, and moved in together as well. They were the ones who united the group, but on the condition, created by the two arguing groups, that their first concert would be a competition to decide, once and for all, which queen had the worst life. Yeah... that didn't happen. We got to the end of the show and Parr couldn't handle it anymore. She got us all to snap out of it and we finished the show with a song of sisterly unity. There are still arguments of course, but we don't compare ourselves to each other anymore. Here is our story.

(Warning: Some chapters will include possibly triggering content such as cyberbullying and processing trauma from sexual and emotional abuse. I won't be including anything graphic, however :D)

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