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adjective ~ on fire, burning


A week passed by and I grew closer to Molly. I took part in the pack training sessions every morning; they were still hard, but I was determined. Sean trained me one on one from six in the morning until group training started at ten. Then that lasted a further one to two hours.

After each session, Molly and I would eat lunch together, and sometimes Sean accompanied us. I had not laughed so much in a long time, and the sibling rivalry kept me going. Some days I ate my lunch without even thinking, only to realise my plate was empty!

Phoenix had returned to keeping his distance, but I could regularly feel his eyes on me on the training grounds. Today was no different.

Today was Saturday, which meant the hardest day of the week before Sunday's rest day. It was a sparring day.

The whole eligible lower pack gathered together regardless of gender, then split into age groups and ability levels for each age group. I was, of course, in the group of eighteen to twenty-two, the slightly new shifters, but Molly was beside me. Today she sported a baby blue workout set, whereas I stuck to the old large tee and leggings combo. It was warm, though. Spring was finally in bloom.

I stood out like a sore thumb. In my age group, there were sixteen wolves, a ratio of seven girls to nine boys. Well, men really.

The plan of action was to spar in your shift group as a human until one won, then the same with your wolf once the winner had won. Then the winners of each form were to spar with the top people of the other age groups. All the warriors didn't have to take part, but most of them stood around cheering on the lower wolves. It was a test to see if we were ready. I was not ready and I couldn't shift unless Phoenix said so.

Thankfully, I was partnered with Molly.

"Rules!" Sean's booming voice travelled through the noise. "Number one-do not leave your circle. If you do, you lose. Number two, first to pin for three seconds as counted by your judge, wins. Number three-human form first. You may injure but not seriously harm. No low blows or dangerous shots here. Once a person wins the whole round, we will move on to the wolf. Same rules apply."

People murmured amongst themselves, most eager to get on with it. I don't see how they enjoyed fighting to their faux death. Far too barbaric for me. I'd rather do yoga or go for a swim.

'Definitely in the wrong pack for yoga and afternoon tea, Nova.' My wolf snorted.

The warriors surrounding us tuned into the fights, ready to call us out on any cheap shots. I turned to eye Molly, not liking the fact I had to fight her, but found it easier than someone else.

The low whistle signalled the start, and wolves began. Molly and I just stared at each other, not wanting to make the first move. I could feel Phoenix's eyes as he stood more to the centre of the field, near the older wolves. My hair stood on end and my body was on high alert whenever my wolf felt him close by.

Molly sighed before rolling her shoulders. "Let's get this over with, Sherbet."

I rolled my eyes at the adopted pet name. All because my face was apparently too funny when I tried a lemon sherbet sweet for the first time.

Too lost in my thoughts, I only caught the swing of Molly's arm at the last moment. I ducked out of the way and made a jab of my own, which she counteracted. I grunted when her foot made contact with my stomach, but I kicked out at her legs. She staggered but stayed upright, blowing her hair out of her face.

We were entangled, dodging each other's attacks. She had better training than me and landed more hits. She swiped out her leg, and I skipped it, but she knew my game plan and grabbed hold of my arm. Twisting it behind my back, she forced me to the mud, and not even wanting to fight, I just laid there panting. I hated fighting.

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