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verb ~ make or become unclear

Molly and I had somehow made it outside after dancing our feet off and are sitting on an old fountain's steps. It was past sunset, the crescent moon shining above us.

"Stars... so pretty." Molly slurred.

I giggled. "The moon looks like a toenail."

She laughed with me as we leaned back on our hands to stare up at the sky. All the stars were big blurry blobs tonight. I wondered if the world was ending... I better tell Molly!

"Can I tell you a secret?" I whispered.

Molly's head slowly rolled to look at me in excitement. I was having trouble focusing on her face, but the blur that was there definitely showed Molly. Her puffy pink dress was the best thing ever.

"Yess! I lo-ove secrets!" She hiccupped.

"My wolf... has black fur!" I whispered, shouted.

She giggled. "I know! You told me!"

"Oh." I frowned, looking down at my hands.

The ground was moving where it shouldn't be. It looked so weird that I ended up lying down on it.

Ah, much better.

"Aren't boobs just amazing?" Molly sighed, jiggling her chest.

"They're so comfy!" I screeched, squishing my own.

"Men should totally have boobs... then-then we can be comfy when we-when we lay on their chests." She snorted.

An image of Phoenix with double D's flashes in my mind and I laughed, unable to control my laughter.

"What if-what if... Ha!"

"What? What?" Molly's head swayed.

"What if Alpha had boobs?" I laughed. "Could-could you imagine h-how he'd look!"

Molly shrieked with joy and joined me on the floor as we laughed about all the guys with boobs. She rolled over on the grass to lie on her side, so I copied her with a stern expression.

"Have we had too much to drink?" I wondered.

She nodded. "I think I am I little teeny tiny bit drunk."

"So will we remember this t-tomorrow?" I hummed, eyes closing for a moment.

Molly groaned. "I don't know."

We lay in silence as the occasional giggle about men with boobs left our lips. I felt so tired. I just wanted to sleep right here on this comfy grass.

"Nova!" a voice shouted.

I grumbled, rolling into a ball to ignore the voice shouting at me. "Who's that?"

Molly hiccupped. "I don't know, m-maybe it's my stupid brother."

"Ugh." I moaned. "He's gonna r-ruin my c-comfy time."

She giggled. "Not if we hide."

"Good plan," I smirked.

Standing to my feet was a hard task, even with my heels thrown into the fountain. I clasped onto Molly for support and she grabbed me too. It didn't last long before I fell face-first into the grass. Grass tasted gross. Why do bunnies even try?

"Maybe we should crawl." She whispered.

"Good plan."

We crawled our way away from the fountain on hands and knees. Once we reached a bush, I realised our dresses were getting filthy.

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