💀What did you do?!💀

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💀Your POV💀 

Once I was finished scheduling my plan out, I put away my deathnote with shaky hands.  I was nervous, scared of what the future held. What would all of this come to? Will I regret what I've done in the end? No of course not, this is what's best. I'm proud of myself for coming up with such a thing on my own. All that matters is that L id dead and Light and I can move on from this life of secrecy. 

I was now in my bathroom, taking a shower in attempt to wash away all my worries. I wanted to get my mind off things, just for minute. I washed my hair, rubbing my fingers gently through  my locks of hair in an relaxing manner. It was always calming to take a nice shower. 

I rinsed my hair slowly, watching the foam made by my shampoo, wash down the drain. I turned the shower knob, cutting off the water. I let out a sigh and pulled back the shower curtain. I wrapped my towel around my body, grabbing my face towel along with it. I walked to my mirror, face towel in hand. 

I dried off myself with my eyes closed, and then dried my face. It was only when I pulled the small towel off my face, and opened my eyes that I noticed how puffy and red they looked. I looked like shit. I guess I hadn't realized how much I actually cried. 

My nose has a hint of a reddish-pink that matched the same shad of my cheeks and eyes. My lips looked pouty and my eyelashes were wet. I didn't understand, I felt fine but my eyes continued to water. It was as if my body knew I was trying to ignore my own feelings and wasn't allowing me to. 

I quickly got dressed, and made my way back to my room. I put on lotion, after wiping my tears, again. After I finished, I went to my kitchen to fix myself a drink. I walked to my fridge, pulling out y favorite drink, and grabbed a cup for myself. As I was pouring the cold liquid into my cup, I heard the sound of the door being unlocked. 

I immediately knew it was Light and hurriedly wiped my eyes in case I was still crying, without knowing. 

"Y/n! I'm back and I brought you a surprise!" 

I didn't say anything, I figured he would see me in the kitchen. 

Light dropped his bag at the door, and walked a short bit in search of me, before coming to the kitchen. He smiled and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. He placed his head on my shoulder, giving me a quick kiss on my cheek. 

"I missed you today.  Were you lonely without me?" Light spoke in a teasing tone. 

"I was alright." My voice came out shaky, and it didn't go unnoticed by Light. 

He let go of me and stood beside me before grabbing my chin, bringing my face into his view. I watched as his eyes scanned over my face, taking a good look at me. When Light noticed my puffy eyes and stuffy nose, his smile twisted into a frown. 

"What's wrong love? Were you crying?" 

Light hadn't called me by that name in a long time so I knew he was concerned.

I shook my head no and gave Light a weak smile. 

His eyebrows furrowed and he pulled me into a gentle kiss. It didn't last long though, Light pulled away after a minute to look at me again. I could see his worry shining in his bronze pupils. He let go of my chin and instead cupped my cheeks with both of his warm hands.  

Light placed kisses all over my face. He started with a few quick pecks on my lips but then moved to cheeks, eventually landing kisses in random spots on my face. When he was finished, he pulled back to see my facial expression, which hadn't changed much. 

Light slightly pouted, when he saw that I wasn't smiling. 

"That usually gets at least a giggle out of you..." Light mumbled. 

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz