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noun ~ an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind


I had been in the forest for what felt like minutes, running in fear and heading in the direction my gut told me to. I could feel the agonising pain in my head returning, the aching in my torso beginning to burn. So, I knew then that I had run for an hour, going by what Raven told me.

I was hoping to stumble across a pack by now, but I have found nothing but overgrown clearings and forests. If I was not in a hurry for my life, I would've stopped to admire the beauty. Although I was slowing, my run turned into a weak stumble. My breathing was ragged and eventually, I came to a stop against a tree. I marked it with my initial once again and stayed still for a moment.

I winced at the burning in my chest, my body soaked from the torrential rain that seemed to follow behind me.

Mother Nature, can you please stop tormenting me?

As if by fate lightning struck the sky, followed by a deep grumble a few seconds later. Couldn't I be fearing for my life on a nice sunny evening?

Oh Cel, where are you?

I was shivering from the cold, my weak state proving hard to stay warm. With a ragged breath and a count of three, I pushed myself from the tree trunk and began to walk. The rain continued its persistence behind me, thankfully covering up my tracks and scent.

I concentrated my mind on moving my legs, counting each ache of my breathing so I didn't pass out. I was feeling dizzy, my muscles burning with the pain in my chest, but the controlled breaths were helping. I eventually stopped again to mark another tree and glanced around my surroundings. Something was telling me I was in the right direction, but another part of me told me to wait. I hesitated; my breaths hushed under the rain.

My attention turned left when the bushes began to move. It wasn't the wind this time, as they seemed to break apart in the middle rather than randomly. I tensed, hoping it wasn't a wolf that caught up to me.

To my surprise, it was a rabbit, who scurried out of the bush before running further away and into another. I was surprised to see a rabbit out in this weather and made my way over the direction it went in curiosity.

I watched as it slowly hopped out of the next bush, its black eyes turning to look up at me. We both froze, its nose twitching slowly. It took another hop as if to lead me on and I gently began to follow it.

I was so focused on the strange habit of the rabbit, and the downfall of rain that muted my senses. When a sudden growl had me jumping in surprise.

Bunnies don't growl like that...

Oh, Alice in wonderland how you led me astray...

I snapped my head to the left to see a brown wolf approaching me. I knew right away that it was a rogue, going by the matting and scarring in his fur. I froze, clutching my chest in hopes to steady my heart. I already felt light-headed and the fear of the wolf taking me out made it worse. Rogues always fought for blood.

I cast a glance towards the rabbit to see it dart away from us and the wolf's attention turned to watch it. Once it disappeared his head snapped back to me when I stepped away, resulting in a menacing growl.

"P-Please don't," I whispered, staggering backwards.

He bowed his head and began to slowly approach, taunting me. I walked as quickly as I could backwards, tripping a few times, but regained composure. I was in agony already, and just my luck, a rogue wolf was also after me. Fate you are a cruel one.

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