017 Lingering Blonde

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Seventeen, Lingering Blonde

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Seventeen, Lingering Blonde.

BLUE EYES lingered on the pencil in the redheads hand, she kept twirling it around — malia kept her eyes glued to lydia, switching to each side of the redhead every few seconds. "please stop hovering."

malia scoffed gently, "i'm not hovering - i'm waiting. draw something. write something. we need to know who else is on that list." the redhead & the brunette shared a look, luna huffing - "you mean, you need to know if you're on the list."

"if someone's coming to take my head off, then yeah, i'd like to know."

"can you please just sit down. you're making me nervous." the tate girl sat down, mumbling, "sorry.." she took a seat next to luna, luna wasn't paying mind to the two, though. she seem to be somewhere else. malia's eyes lingered on the girl next to her, she looked different but she couldn't figure it out.

"oh my god, what!"
"maybe we need help."

luna's eyes flickered to the two finally, eyes falling on the book malia pushed towards the redhead — "from another banshee."


luna truly could rip out her own jugular if she wanted too, the phone situated in her back pocket of her jeans kept going off — the girls jaw was clenched as she slipped into coach's class. her gaze landed on a girl about to take place in the seat next to stiles, she seem to jump as she met luna's gaze - quickly moving. luna sighed as she slumped into the seat, eyes landing on stiles to her right - the boy flipping through photos of the recent murders.

"economic disparity, exists in all forms. well, take sports, for example. some teams have better training facilities, some have better equipment .. unlike beacon hills, that can barely afford the duct tape to keep out equipment together."

the age man took a stance in front of stiles' desk, luna's head rolling to the side to keep eye on her boyfriend. the pale boy jumped as coach hit his desk with the end of a lacrosse stick, "you know, stilinski, if i could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you'd be an a plus student."

"thanks, coach."
"put those pictures away .." the words were soft mumbles from the aged man as stiles' gaze fell on luna, the girl giving him a really look. though, her boyfriends gaze seem to move back to the lacrosse stick hitting his desk, eyes widening as he grabbed at it. "stilinski!" the boy pulled off the bottom cap, gaze flickering back to the photos.

"what the hell is wrong with you? don't answer that."

the boy in the middle of his two best friends seem to send them glances, "it's a lacrosse player.."

"the killers on the team." luna groaned, forehead falling against her fist, "of course it is, right when kira and i decide to join." scott raised an eyebrow at the girls words, stiles' head snapping to the girl, "what did you just — huh? you're on the team with kira? since when?"

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