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noun ~ an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm

I waited.

My heartbeat thrummed in my chest as she pushed herself closer to his body.

The blood was rushing through my skull, my ears ringing.

I glanced up at the moon, pleading with her to help me. Pleading with her for any sign that he would be okay.

She leaned back and her shoulders sank. "He's okay."

Relief flooded me like a tidal wave. I stumbled and fell onto my butt, my hands unable to hold my weight anymore. I felt my body flush with emotions, but the main one I settled on was a joy.

"He's unconscious though." She muttered.

My eyes blurred but I crawled back to his side. I lay one hand on his chest, the other coming to graze over his jaw. The mark I left on his shoulder was prominent and harsh. Deep red moon marks sat from my teeth, dried blood coating some of his skin.

I turned my attention toward the bullet wound. His veins had become prominent, harsh jagged lines that sat along his skin. The wound was dark in colour, but I could slowly see it healing over. The magic of being a Lycan I suppose advanced his healing right before my eyes.

My attention snapped to the side when Sean's grey wolf barked and growled. Behind him, the trees were consumed in flames, the magic border sealed off once more.

'We need to get out of here.' He snapped.

I nodded but glanced back at Phoenix. His eyes followed my movement, harshly setting on his Alpha. He shook out his fur before his bones began to snap and he shifted to his human form. He rushed over to Phoenix's head, shouting orders to another wolf to shift and help.

I watched with nerves as Sean hoisted him up by his armpits, and dragged him away from the oncoming flames. It wasn't long until my brother approached and grabbed hold of his legs. Together they carried him away, and after glancing at Imani, we ran after them, supplies in our arms.

I shrieked when a branch fell nearby, burning to a crisp and no longer full of life. So much death, so much pain. Trees were consumed in flames, wildlife ran for their lives, and their homes were destroyed.

I felt the tears stream down my face as we retreated, unable to escape the fire. It was summertime, the rain hadn't come in a week and everything was dry. So it erupted and spread like the wind.

Once we were at a safe distance, I collapsed to the ground. My skin was covered in ash and smoke, and some blood I wasn't sure was mine. I felt my body shake with fear and tears, unable to process how wrong this went. I was scared, but so hurt by the damage that had been done.

"We can't stay here long. They'll no doubt regroup and come for us." Sean announced through the crackling of the fires.

I rubbed at my skin, remembering I was still nude. I opened the bag in my grasp and pulled out one of the cotton dresses I had packed. It was light enough to carry, and unfortunately, it would get ruined with the filth on my skin.

I looked at the forest fire. I was thankful there was no wind, and the space we had vacated too was bare of trees. It was a small clearing, a small field, and the fire could not spread beyond its limits. I was grateful that it would be contained in that one area.

"How is he?" Sean muttered.

I looked up to see him crouched over Phoenix, thankfully dressed and no longer nude. Imani gave him a tight smile and sat on her knees.

Lost LunaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz