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noun ~ the state of things as they actually exist

At the sudden realisation, I began to fall again.

The ground disappeared from beneath me but I didn't scream, knowing I wasn't in the real world. I knew I would land somewhere else, but my heart was aching and my lungs were burning from the fear I felt for the little girl; for me.

I fell to the ground gently, my back caressing the grass. I felt my breathing even out, my heart beginning to race as I fell into peaceful bliss. I could feel the ground beneath me, my body tingling as though it had been numb.

The white noise began again in my ears, the high-pitched ringing making me wince. It slowly faded to a faint hum, before I realised the hum was turning into voices.

The faint smell of smoke began to fill my nose, a metallic taste rose on my tongue. Hands were on me, warm against my skin. One hand, in particular, was combing through my hair, sending pleasurable shock waves through my body.

I focused on the sensation, their fingers travelling through my scalp. The comforting tingles made my hairs stand on end and goosebumps cover my skin. Voices grew louder and I shook my head, wanting to stay in this moment of peace.


Whispers grew louder, and I groaned when I felt myself start to wake.


That voice, I knew that voice well. It sounded so close, so familiar. I inhaled deeply, forcing my eyes to blink open. I was blinded by darkness and overwhelmed by the smell of smoke. But something nearby was calling to me.

I searched through the darkness hoping to land on something in this new dream. I saw the Moon, bright and full tonight as she shone through the treetops. It was beautiful, lighting up the darkness with ease.

"She's awake!" Someone shouted and I blinked to focus on a head.

I frowned, trying to understand what I was looking at. It was a crazed mess of dark hair and an ear. They were looking behind me, behind my head.

I inhaled sharply when they turned, the first thing I saw in focus was his eyes. Burning amber and dazzling hazel shone through the darkness and a smile of relief coated his features.

I didn't mind this dream; it had Phoenix in it.

His lips parted and I felt him lift me into his embrace. I inhaled deeply, taking in the comforting scent of his skin. He smelt tarnished with blood and I looked down from where I was to see the scar from the bullet on his chest.

I frowned, knowing that this had to be a recent dream for Phoenix to have been shot. He pulled me out of his chest and cupped my head in his hands. I gazed up at him in wonder, every speck of dirt and skin was almost glowing in the moonlight.

"Nova." He breathed, pressing his forehead against mine.

I was starting to feel uneasy, the sheer emotions I was feeling were confusing me. I felt relief, joy, fear, sadness and pain. I couldn't pinpoint the cause of them and so I focused on myself. I felt Cel begin to rise, waking up from a slumber.

She shook out her fur. 'Nova...are you okay?'

I'm dreaming so of course I am.

'This... isn't a dream Nova. You and Phoenix marked each other and your body shut down. I don't know how we are awake right now, but this is real.' She mumbled.

I frowned, pulling my head away from Phoenix's to look over his shoulder. Sure enough, the trees were still burning but had calmed to a gentle smoke. Gaia was back and stood nearby, waving her hands in the air around them.

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