Chapter 4

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Evangelina POV

Bouncing BumbleBee Daycare

I walked into my class, preparing to set up for the last day of class. My co-workers greeted me, and my coworker Stella came to check on me.

Hey girl, how are you? Exclaimed Stella.

I'm doing alright. Ready for the last day.

"Same here. My hubby and I are taking the kids to Vermont to see my parents," exclaimed Stella

Stella has been happily married to her husband for the past three years. They have two little angels: Brady and Jennifer. I'm thrilled for her. She is one of the most outgoing friends you could ever want

"Oh, that's amazing; I hope you guys have lots of fun."

"Thanks, girl. How are you holding up about...the divorce?" Asked Stella

*Lina inhales and exhales*

"I'm doing alright. I've moved on with my life. I'm not even worrying about him."

"That piece of sh*t never deserved you. I would've chopped off his balls for what he did." She shouted

Besides my best friend Whitney, Stella is the only person who knows the truth about my divorce. Everyone else, I told them about irreconcilable differences. Luckily with my prenup, he didn't get anything in my name.


You and Whitney both, but I'm doing alright. I'm going to focus on myself and perhaps find someone else. I'm only 26; I'm still young.

"You deserve all the happiness, sweetie," —Stella

*Stella hugs Lina*

"I appreciate it, Stella. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, love"—Stella

*Bell Rings*

"Welp, time to get the day over with. See you later,".—Stella

*Stella exited the room*

As soon as she left, the children greeted me with welcoming arms. I'm the lead teacher in the HoneyBee's Room: for ages 2-3. The children are why I smile every day and keep my head high. Ever since my divorce, I've buried my head in my job. The kids and my friends kept me going. I love them all.


Lucifer's Mansion

As I waited for my henchman to return to me, I thought more and more about Evangelina

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As I waited for my henchman to return to me, I thought more and more about Evangelina. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I was anxious to see her again but needed to know more about her first. I've never felt this way over a woman. None of the women I've been with, human or demon, have caught my attention. None of them compare to her, especially Sabrina.

I couldn't get her image out of my head. Her wavy brown hair, smooth dark skin, full red lips, amazing body, and those eyes. She's so sexy without even trying. She could be a supermodel for all I care with that hourglass figure. Those lips...oh those full round, covered in shiny red lipstick, made me want to devour her lips right in that coffee shop.

*Lucifer exhales*
Control yourself, Luci. You've only just met the woman.

*Door opens*

"Master, I have the information you've requested," exclaimed the henchman

Show it to me

Reading her profile, I thought my bumblebee had a neglected childhood

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Reading her profile, I thought my bumblebee had a neglected childhood. What kind of parents would ignore a fantastic woman like their daughter?! They don't deserve her as a daughter. All she ever wanted was for them to give her love and attention.

It's a good thing her grandparents got her away from them. They left her 400 million dollars?! She refused to access the money.

"It is said that if she does use her inheritance, she will use it for good. Help children, homeless, etc.".

*She's pure, humble, warm, and giving...*

I continued to read until I came across her ex-husband.

"Who is her piece of sh*t of an ex-husband?!"

"Dr. Michael Clifford, a very successful brain
surgeon at the Lenox Hill Hospital.
His father is a retired doctor, and his mother was an RN.

They met at a nightclub and hit it off immediately. They got married three years ago. They moved into her apartment together. All was well until he got seduced by one of his colleagues and began an affair.

She came home early a year ago and found them making out in the bedroom. From what I heard, she punched the hell out of the mistress and threw them both out.

She filed for divorce, and it got finalized. Due to the prenup, He wasn't entitled to anything due to his infidelity. The apartment and assets were in her name.

To this day, He's still trying to win her back, but she rebuffs him.

After hearing all this, I could feel my blood boiling like lava. She's a sweet woman with a bad childhood and a shitty marriage. She deserves all the happiness in the world, and I'll be the one to make her happy. Neither her parents nor her ex-husband earns her, Not one bit. If her ex-husband thinks he can try to win back what's mine, he's sadly mistaken!

 If her ex-husband thinks he can try to win back what's mine, he's sadly mistaken!

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Evangelina, my sweet Evangelina, you know you have me. I'll make you the happiest woman on earth and in the underworld. You're exactly what I'm looking for in a queen; you're warm, loving, supportive, kind, and beautiful...You're Perfect! The perfect wife material will make the ideal Queen.

I'll court you, charm you, win your love. Once I've earned you're love and trust, I'll reveal myself to you. I only hope you'll accept me and love me for me.
*sighs* prepare yourself, my sweet, for a hurricane because you'll soon be mine forever.

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