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verb ~ to take aggressive action against, with weapons or force

I crept forwards, keeping my body low to the floor and muscles tense for an attack. The enemy sighed, his hands fiddling with the knife in his hands.

I paused when he shifted his weight and turned my body so it was always at his back. He wouldn't see it coming. It was all or nothing.

Memories flashed through my mind, my heart thrumming in my chest. Adrenaline rushed through me, supporting my anger of wanting to take this man down. I had to be stealthy and careful he didn't warn the others.

Ready Cel?

'Always.' She growled.

I rose from the ground and shifted to my human form. I took in a deep breath as I focused, keeping my attention on not losing my composure.

I dropped my shoulders, hunching my back and clutching at my sides. I let out a whimper as I staggered across the muddy ground towards him.

He spun around on defence but when his eyes found me they widened in realisation. "You? Again? What are you doing here?"

"Please," I begged, tripping to my knees as I cast my hair over my face. "I don't wanna die."

His footsteps grew closer and I saw the toes of his boots in front of me. "I have every right to kill you, you've ruined my ranking in this pack. Ruined our game. Now your pack mutts know where we are."

I let out an involuntary screech as he grabbed my hair and yanked me to look at him. My eyes met his cold ones, dark with anger. His grip tightened on my hair before his fist came swinging towards my face.

I reacted immediately, pushing with all of Cel's strength I grabbed his fist. He grunted at the impact as I threw his arm to the side. I jabbed him with my elbow in the gut and he lost his balance which caused him to release my hair. I lifted my foot and kicked him so hard in the chest that I sent him to the ground.

I panted at the exertion and he sat there dumbfounded before a deep and feral growl escaped his throat. Cel surged forward, her need becoming bloodthirsty and she pounced, shifting into her wolf form. Her claws tore into him, ripping at his clothes and his chest much as he did to me. She tore into his pants, dismembering him with a feral snarl.

He screamed in pain and terror but it was muffled by Cel grabbing hold of his neck and shaking him. I heard the sound of his neck crack before she tore out his jugular. Once she was satisfied with her kill, she stepped off of him, panting deeply.

I could feel the blood and flesh under my nails, my dark fur matted with blood. I knew I wouldn't have long before the alert was sounded; he no doubt got some kind of panic through their mind link.

Shakily I shifted, casting one last glance at his beaten form. I felt proud of myself, for taking him down so easily. Although, proud of Cel for doing most of the work.

I stepped up to the key on the hook and pulled it down. I hesitated, expecting an alarm of sorts to trigger, but was pleasantly surprised to find there was none.

I made my way over to the first cages and began to unlock them. I hurried, gently waking the women who stared at me in fear. I made it to the tenth cage when roaring footsteps sounded in the distance.

I froze, pausing my movements to concentrate on the sounds. I inhaled, hoping to get a smell of who was approaching but came up short. The spell was still intact.

Sean? I gasped.

'Yes?' His reply was muffled and ragged. 'Did you get the key?'

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