Chapter 11: Despair and Mysteries

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I had my hands curled into fists when I left the mage headquarters until I was on my way home to our territory. When I arrived near the fence, I let out a long sigh, relaxed my hands, and then roamed my eyes around the area. Everyone must be resting right now. In front of me is a 3 log cabin, designed to make it look like a normal house and hide the small compound behind the cabins. One of the cabins still had its lights on inside and I reckon the watcher is still awake.

I don't know what happened after I was unconscious but I'm guessing someone in my group might have an idea what happened to me. Azer might even know that I was in a life-threatening situation. Strange thing is, I don't even know why I appear to be normal right now and not even feeling the slightest pain in my body. Earlier, when I changed my clothes, there were no signs of stab wounds on my body as if I was never even stabbed during the battle. Flint told me I was healed when I was in their laboratory but I doubt it was the only reason I survived. I had a feeling and I just know I'm right.

I continue to walk towards the cabin on the left where the lights is still on but stopped by the porch when someone called my name.


I looked to my right and saw Jonah, eyes widening and looks like he almost couldn't believe that he is seeing me right now. It was like he saw someone coming back from the dead.

"I can hear you just fine, Jonah. Stop shouting."

I walked towards him and was about to walk past him when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him before wrapping me in a tight embrace. It was unexpected and I didn't know how to react so I just stood there, arms hanging by my side and my eyes widened in surprise.

I could practically hear his heart beating loudly and fast as my face was pinned to his chest. I blinked multiple times, processing what was happening.


I couldn't even say anything afterward. His arms were still wrapped around me, so tight as if I was gonna ran away the moment he let me go. His arms were slightly shaking and he keep on drawing deep breaths as if to calm himself down.

"I thought I'd lost you forever, Aeryn."


He suddenly pulled away from the hug and cupped both of my cheeks as he stared directly into my eyes.

"Tell me I'm dreaming right now." His forehead knotted, lips trembling and it almost sounds like his voice is gonna break. "Am I hallucinating? Please, tell me. I can handle it. Tell me you're not real. I can take the pain."

I frowned and take his hands off my face.

"Man." I sigh. "Why are you so dramatic?"

He blinked. "W-What?"

"You're not dreaming. You're not hallucinating." I tilted my head and gave him a small grin. "I'm fucking real."


I rolled my eyes and without even saying anything, I raised my fist to punch the shit out of him and the moment my fist landed on his face, his head flipped to the other side and his mouth went agape from the shock.

"Still think you're dreaming?"

"Shit." He wiped the blood off the side of his lips and turned to me. "You still are the best one who has ever punched me."

"I know." I chuckled and then looks at him seriously. "You look scared earlier. I must have almost died from the battle."

"You died and then you went missing."

I cocked a brow.

"I don't want to say this but you died in front of me, Aeryn. You weren't breathing. You have no pulse. Your heart stopped beating. You don't know how much it killed me to witness you losing your life."

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