01 | Businessmen Resigned to Their Fate

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"You can slow down, dearie. I do love the Lord, but I don't want to meet him right now. I promised my book club that I'd bring them my carrot cake. I make very nice carrot cake. Would you like a piece?"

I squinted at my rearview mirror and glimpsed a corner of Linda's beehive hairstyle while I tried to incinerate the jackass in the Audi behind me, who tried to cut me off earlier, with just my laser focus.

"Eat my dust, loser," I said, under my breath, stepping on the gas.

"What was that, dearie? Here, why don't you slow down and have a nice piece of carrot cake? I even added a glaze on top," Linda urged, "It's my own secret recipe."

This time I looked in my rearview mirror to look at Linda, who was earnestly holding out a Tupperware box to me that seemed to be overflowing with cake.

"Maybe later, Linda," I told her, "Right now I need to make this light and lose that douche nozzle in the Dodge behind us."

A trembling 'oh' was all I heard Linda say and I stepped on the gas.

"My book club doesn't start for another fifteen minutes," Linda said, probably thinking that I wouldn't be able to get her there in time.

I gripped the steering wheel tighter. "I'll get you there in six."

Linda held on very tightly to her box of carrot cake.

When I pulled up to the townhouse where Linda's book club was, after successfully leaving that tiresome Audi in my wake, Linda actually said, "Whew."

I turned in my seat and she smiled at me.

"You remind me of my son," she said and held out her box to me, "Have a piece of cake."

"You've been offering me cake since you got in, Linda," I told her, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were trying to poison me."

Linda blushed so deeply she looked to like my hair in tenth grade, after that horrendous box dye that Julie, my sister, told me not to try. "Oh, I would never. I'm just proud of my carrot cake."

"It's fine, Linda," I told her, trying to sound as sweet as possible, "I don't want to get glaze on the steering wheel. I'll have a slice when we meet at Marv's for tea sometime, alright?"

Linda managed to smile widely at me. "That sounds nice."

"Now, can you get yourself home?" I asked her," Or do you want me to pick you up?"

Linda actually looked a bit green around the gills at the thought of being driven home by me.

I can't possibly fathom why.

I mean, I'm great company and a fantastic driver.

I even live in the same building as her, so I wouldn't even charge her.

She leaned forward and patted my shoulder. "That's fine, dearie. I'll get a ride with one of the girls. You have fun."

She clambered out of the car in a hurry because I know for a fact that she loves book club. She's always in such a hurry to get off the car and run in whenever I drive her.

It couldn't possibly have been me.

My car is completely comfortable and safe. Moreover, it's a hybrid, which means that it's also comparatively environmentally friendly.

It would have been an absolute puzzle if Linda wanted out.

Shrugging to myself, I pulled away from the house while trying to find my next hire.

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