Where It Started #1

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•Midoriya POV•
Kacchans...a little bit..extra more annoying then normal..like he tells me to shut up when I just walk by- and whenever we make eye contact he rolls his eyes and points his stupid middle finger at me.

It's been going on for the pass 3 days NOT TO MENTION. He broke my LIMITED EDITION all might figurine. JUST. Last week thinking I didn't forgot? Bitch.

It's fine I guess. I'm over it I guess. I'm fine haha.

I took a deep sigh and stare at myself in my mirror "keep it together deku it's fine your fine Kacchan is just having a hard time..or a tantrum..it's fine you FINE." I closed my eyes taking another deep breathe. 'Ok' I thought to myself as I walked out my dorm heading to class.

Half way to class I see Kacchan just a few steps upfront "morning Kacchan" I said as I was just about to pass him. "Tsk" I heard him say I just rolled my eyes and continue to walk to class.


Later that day Kacchan kept teasing me for walking into the wall from mumbling as it I wasn't embarrassed enough!
Sometimes I don't know why I had a huge crush on him back then.

..well actually?..I think the crush died down a bit that's what I keep telling myself so it'll hurt less! Heh..


It was now getting dark! It was dinner time i was sitting next to my friends Todoroki,Ochako,Iida,Tsu like always. In our usual table. I was saving the best thing on my plate for last! Until.

Just when I was ABOUT to pick it up with my chopsticks another pair of chopsticks swooped it right up almost faster then a blink of an eye!

But I heard a chuckle a voice I knew to damn well. I turned my head to see Kacchan his mouth full of meat I was supposed to eat.!

He turned back around to me shrugged and with a face that pissed me off more! It was like a cocky innocent face I could he was smirking even thought his cheeks were stuffed.

"OI THAT WAS MINE!" I grit my teeth slightly. "SUCKS TO SUCKS NERD" Kacchan walked away to his friends table. "Tch."

"Woah deku I never seen you so mad be-" ochako was cut off by Todoroki "you can have some of my soba if you like?" I blushed a little at the offer of embarrassment I didn't mean to almost lose my cool in front of them..-

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly and waved my hand slightly gesturing a no "i-it's ok thank you though heh..." I bowed slightly. He simply nodded in return.

"Deku is something up with you?..I don't think you ever lose your cool like that you usual brush off Bakugous uhh let's sayyy..stuff like everyday?" She said it kinda like she was confused at her own question.

She isn't wrong though I dealt with his bullshit ever since I was a child but..yeah I guess? Something is up should I tell her- I thought about it before I decided I'd tell her it isn't that big of a deal anyways to the point I had to keep it secret.

"Well- actually no not really it's just that...kacchans been more of a pain then normal I dunno I'm just stress that's all it's nothing though!" They all stare at me.

"Make sure your getting proper sleep and take breaks Midoriya." Iida did his little significant hand thing.

"Maybe you should maybe take a break from him?" Tsu joined the conversation. I tilted my head a little.

"What? How do I do that?" I ask genially confused. "Like ignore him kero..take a break from him if he's bothering you,you know space" she shrugged going back at her food.

"I'll try?" I said quietly but enough for them all to hear. "I don't think Bakugous gonna like that he's a bit of a brat..wait no child like who needs attention." Todoroki said plainly slurping at his soup.

"QUIET." Ochako said looking around the room as if Kacchan was near I looked around the room aswell but it seemed he was just yelling at Kaminari then we made eye contact.

For a few seconds it looked like he was glaring at me I wanted to turn away but my body wouldn't move as if my neck became a rock. I rolled my eyes and turn away from him.

Before I realized what I just done..I go a little pale regretting life choices where did I get the never to do that- did he see!? I hope he didn't notice!.

Again my body acted on its own I got up quickly picking up my tray spat a quick "I should get going see you guys later!" Throw my trash away and ran to my dorm.


As soon as I got to my dorm I felt calmer and less panic about what would Kacchan do to me i knew if I stayed he would yell or something question is what would've I done.

I took a sigh hitting my face with my pillow mumbled a few words before I fell asleep.


•Bakugou POV•
I stopped yelling at dunce face when I noticed deku staring at me I look back we made eye contact for a few seconds before he rolled his damn eyes at me and turned away. I stood slightly frozen a for bit watching him leave the room.

"What the fuck" I said under my breathe.
"Are you ok bakubro looked like you saw a ghost eh?" Shitty hair commented which I ignored staring at the door that I watched felt leave.

I sat down still looking at the door dumbfounded honestly. I spaced out into thoughts.

'What the fuck was that did that fucking idiot just roll his stupid eyes at ME!? Dose he Wanna fight.'

'What was that about should I yell at him.' I twitched an eye I was piss. I only ever rolled my eyes at deku whenever we made eye contact what the fuck.

I got up heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth before I went to bed it was almost 8 anyways.

I went to bed with a bother in mind but I tried to ignore it and go to sleep it probably meant nothing. Maybe I just saw it wrong whatever it's not like I care or anything. Really.

(A/N) - hey from here it'll just get spicier and If u liked this chapter so far maybe follow me or check out my other BakuDeku books I have a lot 🤷‍♀️

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