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BONUS ~ unconsciousness

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noun ~ the state where the ability of self and environment is lost


We slowly approached the dangerous feeling and as we grew closer I could see a faint shimmer amongst the treetops. I felt my hackles rise, my gut instinct telling me to turn around as danger was close by.

'That's it.' Nova murmured.

I tensed but nodded my head, warning everyone to back off from advancing any closer. They settled onto their haunches as we prepared to wait for sunset, to energise before the attack.

Gaia suddenly teleported beside Nova and muttered words of reassurance as she ran a hand through her black fur. I shifted back to my human form, knowing we had to discuss the matters at hand.

"We're going to hide out here until the sun goes down," I called out to everyone. "Gaia, have you covered our presence?"

She nodded with a small smile. "I have. It shouldn't be long. My daughter's magic is strong, I can feel it drawing me in."

I clenched my jaw before running my tongue over my dry lips in agitation. "Let me know if anything changes, Gaia... Stay quiet team."

The pack snorted their agreement before we fell silent. Our ears tuned into the wildlife surrounding us, most of them silent from the presence of the wolves below the trees. They couldn't smell us, but they knew we were here somewhere. I could see Nova shifting from below me, and turned to watch as she dug her claws into the ground. She rose to her feet and quietly began to pace, her ears twitching to every sound.

She was on edge.

I glanced around to see some other wolves shifting in agitation. The whole pack was feeding on her energy, noticing how uneasy she was. I breathed deeply, my eyes catching the sun going down in the distance. I knew how much she loved the sunset and hoped it would bring her peace. So I shifted back to fur and nudged my head into her side. She huffed but allowed me to direct her attention to the setting sun beyond the treeline.

She was tense as she sat beside me but once she caught sight of the sky, she began to relax. I released a deep grumble, pressing my side against her in aid to calm her mind. Time passed slowly as we watched the sun go down, some of the pack members falling into a nap-like state. Once the sun settled beyond the horizon, I ran my neck down hers before begrudgingly getting to my feet.

I shifted, shivering slightly at the cooler air as I stood beside Gaia. "Ready to move closer?"

She nodded and I commanded a random group of men to come forwards to my flank. I noticed Nova rise to her feet and come over to me, her head high in curiosity. I grumbled at her but her wolf flicked her tail in response.

I'm coming with you. She grumbled.

I scanned her eyes for any sign of bluff but found nothing but determination. I glanced at the crowd watching, morbid fascination as they glanced between us.

"Very well," I replied. "Let's move towards the border. Gaia, you say she will notice us?"

She nodded. "She will sense us. It's part of the magic she has cast. Try not to stray, it will force you away, the closer you get and you cannot see it."

I firmly nodded in reply before turning to dress myself. I would stay human in case we had to communicate with Raven. Or if she put up a fight... It has been a long time since she has seen her mother.

The six of us crept forwards, our footsteps calculated and precise. Every breath was deep and even as we got closer to the border, my wolves blended their fur with the surroundings. As we grew closer, some of the pack staggered off, small whines escaping their snouts. I observed the surroundings, the strength of Raven's magic was suffocating.

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