Ch 45- Animagus

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The next day, Harry and Adelaide practically strutted into the Great Hall for breakfast, still high on their victory, soaking up all the congratulations with pride, while pissing off the Slytherins just by breathing. It was the same for the rest of the team too. Beaming at each other, they had their breakfast.

Then, as usual, the post came in. Dawn flew in with a letter tied to his leg. Adelaide froze. Did Sirius send her a letter? She can't open it now! Frowning she untied the letter. 

Then curiosity got the best of her and she unfolded it to peek only a bit. She was met with neat handwriting which she recognized as McGonagall's. Sighing in relief, she opened it fully. I read;

Ms Gracia,
Meet me in my office after breakfast.
Prof. McGonagall.

She looked up to see Professor McGonagall leaving her seat from the Grand Table. Adelaide gulped down her goblet of pumpkin juice and ran out after her, ignoring Harry's and Ron's questioning glances; Hermione was buried in her books, too occupied to notice anything that was happening.

Adelaide ran to McGonagall's office and knocked on the door, panting. She felt the food digesting in her stomach. She shouldn't have run after eating food.

"Come in" McGonagall's voice called.

"Good morning, professor," Adelaide said as she entered and closed the door behind her.

"Good morning, Gracia," McGonagall said brightly. She too was in the euphoria of winning the cup. "Wonderful performance at the game yesterday," she said smiling.

"Thank you, professor" Adelaide replied, positively glowing.

"Let's cut to the chase. We'll start your practical animagi classes tonight at 9 o'clock" McGonagall said.

"What?! Like I'm actually going to do it?" Adelaide blurted out.

"Of course, you are. Did you expect to learn by just reading the books?" McGonagall said, eyebrows raised.

"Yes!" Adelaide said happily.

"I must confess. I am not pleased with the decision. But Dumbledore thinks that you are ready to complete the process" McGonagall said.

"So I start tonight? 9 o'clock?" Adelaide asked for conformation.

"Yes" McGonagall, as she walked to the door, holding it open for Adelaide. Getting the cue, Adelaide walked out of the room and McGonagall followed.

The whole day Adelaide couldn't think about anything else. That night, after dinner, she went to McGonagall's office. At sharp 9 o'clock, she knocked on the door.

"Come in" called the all too familiar voice.

Adelaide entered and on McGonagall's instructions took a seat in front of her desk, which was completely cleared.

"Miss. Gracia, explain the process of becoming an animagus," McGonagall said in her teaching tone.

"Part of the process by which one becomes an animagus is holding the leaf of mandrake in their mouth for an entire month, using the leaf for the creation of a potion, reciting an incantation Amato Animo Animato Animagus on a daily basis, and drinking the animagus potion during a lightning storm." Adelaide recited.

"Correct" McGonagall would have given her five points if it was an actual class.

She then, from under her desk, pulled out a small box and opened it. She turned it toward Adelaide. "Take a leaf,". Adelaide carefully picked a mandrake leaf.

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