1:The Begining of a Friendship- Indo

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This book was not meant to offend anyone. Its only for entertainment purposes.

Malaysia,a countryhuman child born during the early Malacca Sultanate,played with her brother Laysia while their mother,Golden Khersonese was cooking and their father,Malaya was at the docks waiting the arrivals of the Nusantara family.

After cooking and serving the food,Golden Khersonese told her children that some visitors are coming soon and they should get ready. "Alright bonda". Later,the Nusantara family arrived at the Malay family's home. "Come in,I've prepared some food for everyone. Malay,Laysia! Please take out the plates and cups" Golden Khersonese greeted the visitors and her husband who accompanied the family. "Its a pleasure to be here,Golden. Its been a while,huh?" Zambrud Khatulistiwa chatted with her friend for a while. "Yea. How's your sons and daughter doing? Where is Indo anyway?" Golden wondered where the boy with big,golden wings went. "Ah,that boy went off to venture this land. The adventurous side of him always stays" Zambrud said with a sigh.

Meanwhile with Malay and Laysia
"Laysia,please tell bonda and ayahanda Im going to go out ok?" Malay told her younger brother. Laysia nodded and Malay exited through the back door.

Malay sat under her favorite tree and took out a book she brought. The book was about how the Malacca Sultanate was created. She loved reading these since its also pretty much her family's backstory. Suddenly,she heard a rustling sound from the tree. She backed away from the tree holding her book in a fighting position ready to attack anything that comes. The thing finally showed itself. More like himself.

"AAAAAH!" A boy with red hair and white streaks with a face that is half red and white fell down screaming. "Ouch. That hurts" he said. "A-are you ok?"

Indo's POV

"A-are you ok?"

I looked up and saw a girl that looked like the man that greeted me and my family at the docks. "A-are you hurt or something? I can help" she said bending down and helping me sit upright. "Yea. Just a little scratch" I reassured her. "Oh,my name's Malaysia but you can call me Malay" Malay told me her name. "Im Indonesia but you can call me Indo" I told her. She seemed shocked. I just told her my name. "Indonesia?! So you're the one who's going to visit my family!". Then it hit me. She was the one who Im going to visit. Its THE Malaysia,daughter of the village chief Im in. Her father Malaya is also a soldier working for the SULTAN of this land. "Oh yeah! Hey its nice meeting you even if its pretty awkward" I rubbed my head. Its a miracle that I didnt break any bones.......
Unlike last time....

At home

"Where have you two been?! We've worried!" Malaya looked like he was really worried. But what can I say? Of course he is. My parents and siblings were also all worried. "Indo! Dont go out like that! Besides its rude to not greet the hosts before goofing off on your own!" My little sister,Nesia scolded me. She may be small but her voice is pretty loud. "Ok,ok Im sorry" I half-sincerely apologised. Then we ate and chatted some more. The moms stayed in the kitchen while the dads went to the living room leaving us kids to do stuff. Nesia,Timor Leste and Malay's brother Laysia were playing with each other. "Lets go out" I suggested. "Hey Indo! When you take someone else's daughter remember to bring her back and dont do anything weird! You're too young!" My dad,Majapahit hollered from the living room. I blushed in embarrassment while Malay just stood there even more red. "Ok...... We've just met"

We sat underneath the same tree that we met under. Me and Malay talked about our interests like favorite books,games and flowers. Malay seemed to be the expert at the flowers topic,explaining how some of these flowers are edible and good for your health. She also told me the meanings behind these flowers. My favorite one is the Jasminum Sambac,since its everywhere around my house and that it symbolises purity,sacredness,graceful simplicity and sincerity. My mom told me its important for my nation's tradition. Listening to Malay speak was pretty soothing. Every word was pronounced clearly and loud enough so that its not too loud or too quiet. She seemed to not talk much about other topics so she must've really loved flowers. I've been noticing that there's a hibiscus pin in her hair. "Hey,why do you always have that hibiscus pin in your hair?" I asked,Malay stopping her explanation on roses. "Oh this? Well its pretty special to me. Its a gift from my mom" she took off the pin and admired it. It was a perishable time for us.

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