6:New School

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January 2nd,1513

  Its been two years since the Malacca Sultanate fell to the hands of the Portuguese. It has also been two years since Malay had lived with the English Family.

  "Malay sweetie,I think you need to go to school now. You're a big girl and I dont have time to homeschool you anymore" France told Malay. France and Britain are discussing on Malay's education. They have been quite busy these days and have been thinking about sending Malay to their sons' school which was filled with all kinds of countryhumans and normal humans. Britain also thought that maybe Laysia might be there which made Malay excited.

  One glorious day,Malay walked up to school with her adoptive brothers. They were a few years above her and America,or Ame as they called him,was in the middle school part of the very,VERY big school.

  The school was divided into three parts: elementary school,middle school and high school. For countryhumans ,they dont have a certain age so they mainly follow how long they have gained independence which is for most countryhumans,is zero. So they just follow how long they have lived just like us humans. And since years/grades are based on the student's age,the countryhumans just start like anyone else to not make it complicated if they are in a normal human school. Countryhumans grow unlike normal humans. They grow slowly so they are pretty much ageless until they gain independence. But even once they gained that,they will look pretty young because of the ageless period the had since they were a child. And because they are ageless,a countryhuman will stay in the same class with the same teacher(who is usually a countryhuman too,but a human teacher teaching them is also possible)teaching them all subjects untill they graduate unless the country's parents sent them to a normal human school. Its kinda confusing,really.

  "Wow,this school is massive!" Malay stared in awe at the school. She was smiling from ear to ear,as the English people say. Australia,New Zealand and Canada said their goodbyes to their parents before practically dragging Malay to the inside of the school.

  When she entered the building,she was surprises when she saw so many countries around her...ageless age. Then she saw someone she thought she wouldn't see again.

  "Indo! Its me,Malay! Im here!" Malay ran to the golden winged boy in the crowd. Indo turned around and hugged Malay with tears in his eyes before parting because he remembered he cant touch the opposite sex if thier not related to him by blood. "Malay! I missed you so much! How are you? Where have you been? What happened? Wheres Laysia?" The last question made Malay tense up. "Actually,me and him got separated by accident. Im now living with the English family and Im kinda happy,though I wish Laysia was here with me" Malay explained."How's your siblings been doing? And what happened at the forest? Why did you ran away?" Malay asked. Indo tensed up too.

  "Actually,even I got separated with my siblings. On the day your parents passed away,I ran because I remembered my mother died the same way yours did. I wanted to run away when I saw your dad passed away,too,but of course I cant leave you in the middle of a battlefield. Later when I ran to find my siblings back in my land,I saw them scared,in front of a guy with an orange,white and blue face with 'VOC' on it too. He looked scary and wanted to hurt Timor who was protecting Nesia" Indo explained with a sad expression. He continued,"I flew right infront of Timor when the guy tried to shoot him and Nesia,which resulted in my injury in my left wing that thankfully didnt make me unable to fly. Possibly since I have a bit of my mother's power,the healing diamonds in me that actually heals me only. After that,I fought with the guy until he gave up and just dragged me away from my crying siblings. I managed to yell the words,'I love you!' to them while still struggling to get out from the guy's grasp" Malay looked and listened to her friend's story in pity,sadness and anger at that man who separated Indo and his siblings. He was even injured! "The guy knocked me out and when I woke up,I was in a cell-like room,my wings tied up together with my arms and legs. Then a boy came in and explained everything"

  Just then,a boy with a red,white and blue face ran up to Indo. "Hello Indo! I see you made a friend!" He said happily. "Ah,this is the boy I was telling you about. His name is Netherlands but you can call him Nether" Indo introduced Nether. "Hey!" Nether smiled at Malay. "By the way Nether,this was the girl I was telling you about" Indo said. Nether was shocked and told Malay everything that has happened between him and Indo. He said that his father,Dutch took Indo to their home and pretty much made Indo his slave. Nether didnt like that so he helped Indo constantly and they pretty much became brothers. Malay gritted her teeth at the slave part. Noone treats any friend of hers like that! "Wait,WHAT?! HE MADE YOU HIS SLAVE?! THAT'S UNACCEPTABLE!" Malay yelled at the top of her lungs gaining attention from the other students. Indo and Nether had to strangle Malay and calm her down.

  "She really has a temper as you said,Indo" Nether whispered to Indo as to not make Malay cross again. As they were going to explain everything,the teacher for their class called everyone to come in. "Aww,I hate maths! Why cant we learn something else?" Nether whined. He had a personality of a little child. "Well then lets go to class or else your father might hit us with the cane again" Indo said under his breath,grunting. He really didnt need Malay hearing that though,she would march up to his home and KILL that man who Nether calls father.

Home time
  Malay and her adoptive brothers ran out of the school together with Nether and Indo. "Wow,today was fun! Its nice seeing new friends,even though it would be better if I saw Laysia too.." Malay said that last part sadly. During the entire day she hasn't seen any signs of Laysia. She even asked the principal and he said that there was no Laysia in that school. Malay was heartbroken but she made through the whole day because of the new friends she made and the nice teachers she had. She even met Phil again! Phil's brothers were also there,and they were still as usual,overprotective of their little sister. Phil heard what happened with Malay and showed emotional support for her friend.

  At home,Malay invited Indo and Nether to stay for dinner but they turned it down politely because they had some stuff to do at home. Malay was sad but she understood. During dinner,France and Britain surprised Malay with adoption papers saying that they can legally take care of Malay like their own child.

  Malay was happy to have parents again. She now had a new family but of course Laysia was still Malay's family too,so as her deceased parents and uncle,Malacca Sultanate.

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