8:Bullied,Trust Issues and MPAJA Part 2

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  I didnt expect that to happen. I rushed to the girl's side and tried to wake her up. "Hey,hey! Wake up!" Suddenly,the hibiscus petals began to rise and cover Malay. Yes,I know her name.

  Then Malay stood up slowly. But it isnt Malay. "H-hi. Im Hibiscus. One of Malay's darksides" Hibiscus introduced herself. I didnt understand the 'Malay's darksides' part. "What did you do to her?!" I asked sternly. Hibiscus who has a hibiscus flower somehow growing in her hair picked a petal from the ground and showed it to me. "First,lets see who you are,MPAJA"

  How did she know my name?! Well atleast my name now. I stared into her deep blue eyes and she smiled,pressing the petal on my forehead.

  "Ah,I see who you are and why you are here. You were supposed to be Malaysia's older sister named Bulan but you were a miscarried baby. When Malay was born you went into her body and is pretty much the other half of her. Very interesting" Hibiscus started talking.

  "You seem to not know who named you and why does it mean Malayan Anti Japanese Army." She giggled for some reason. I hate her now."Everytime she gets bullied you urged her to attack the bullies. But due to Malay's innocent heart,she refused. Now you are here to control your own sister and manipulate her into listening to you. Then you're going to somehow take over her body like me" she said that last sentence with a giggle.

  I was in shock. Hibiscus knows everything about me. I took control of her body during the fight because I want Malay to be safe from the bullies and be stronger now. Im afraid on what's happening. Like my sister just passed out and now this hibiscus growing on hair girl is here talking about my life story?

  "Anyways,I will stop controlling your sister and bring her back. But first,remember that as time goes on,a darkside will emerge. And you are one of them" Hibiscus said then laid down and the petals surrounded her again,revealing a sleeping Malay. She looked so peaceful. Then she woke up. "Huh? What happened?" She was clueless on what happened. "Hey,so I haven't introduced myself yet. Im MPAJA which means Malayan Anti Japanese Army" I handed out my hand for her to shake,even though Im not a solid thing. Im practically a translucent thing. A ghost. "Im Malaysia. Call me Malay" she tried to shake me but her hand just went through mine. "It happens" I said with a sigh. "MPAJA,Im sorry you had to hear me cry just now". I didnt mind her crying. In fact,Im saddened by it. I hate seeing this poor girl in pain.

  "Hey,why dont we play something. It would be fun" I suggested we play batu seremban using the fluffing from the pillow. So yeah,they're not rocks.

Third person POV

  Little did the two girls knew,a certain country was watching them with a suspicious expression...

The next day
  Malay decided to go meet up with Indo and Phil ever since they met again at school. Today,she brought her adoptive brothers to play with them too but Britain had some chores for them and Malay so they went after the chores were done.Indo was happy since wont feel that he was the only boy during playtime anymore.

  "Hey,MPAJA! Im gonna go play with my friends. Wanna come?" Malay asked MPAJA. If only she knew that MPAJA can't be seen by anyone else except Malay until she grows into adulthood.

  "Oh,I have some stuff to do kid" MPAJA lied. "You dont have anything to do! Lets go! I want you to meet them!" Malay tried to get MPAJA to come with her. MPAJA finally capitulated and followed her supposed to be sister.

  "Hi Malay! Lets go climb the tree!" Since the original tree was probably burned down in the attack,they found another tree perfect enough for them. Yes,they love trees so deal with it.

  "Yaaaay! Look at me! Im swinging!" America swinged from a branch that soon started to break and he fell. "Ah! Brother,are you ok?" New Zealand rushed to America's side. He was the only one that didnt climb the tree because he's a scared little dude. "I'll help you!" Phil used her flower healing magic to heal America. "Thanks" he said.

  MPAJA watched the children play and thought that why cant she just be like them. Running around being happy and can also hold something without going through it. It took a long time for her to be able to even be able to stand or even put her own body on an object without being like air passing through. It seems that she has no problem being in contact with the ground and just staying there like a normal person.

  "MPAJA? Why aren't you playing with us? Its fun!" Malay asked. MPAJA just shook her head and said," Im not in the mood. You go play". "Malay? Who are you talking to?" Canada asked from the top of the tree. Indo was flying and remembered something. "Malay,remember what happened at school yesterday? Here,I fixed it" Indo reached into his pocket and revealed a hibiscus hairpin. The same one that broke. "My pin! Thank you Indo I really appreciate it" Malay said thankfully. "Indo and Malay sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The kids from who were watching the two chanted. MPAJA was a bit annoyed that Indo might have a crush on her sister and Malay flushed a deep red. "Well we got a tree,now the kissing!" Australia teased the two. "No. Its not permissable for us. We will wait until we get married and then we kiss" Indo said confidently,as if he knew he and Malay will get married even though he also had doubts. Mind you that these two kids are just 8(in appearance. Remember what they said about a countryhuman's age).

  "Hehe.... I dont like him like that. Besides,he's only a friend" Malay said. Ouch for Indo. "And Im sure he would do the same for anyone else if their favorite thing got broken by some bullies" Malay continued. Indo did feel kind of sad since he kinda likes Malay.

  Mpaja,(we're gonna type her name like that now,no caps)was really happy to see her mother's gift for Malay to be back in good shape. She also loved how Malay's face lighted up brighter than the sun when she got the pin back. It means too much to her. So as the selendang that was their mother's selendang which was wrapped around her shoulder and waist. (Imagine it like wearing a handbag). "Children! Lets go home" France who just teleported to where they were called for the children to come home for lunch. Phil said her goodbyes and teleported back home,Indo doing the same. Mpaja followed Malay.

  During lunch,Britain couldn't help but stare at his adopted daughter,averting his gaze to someplace else to not raise suspicions from his family. "Malay,I have noticed that you've been acting...wierd" Britain stopped eating and looked at Malay with a stern expression. "What do you mean?" Malay was confused. At the same time,she thought that her 'dad' somehow knew about her encounter with Mpaja who had told her that she was Malay's sister and also explained some things about her last night while playing batu seremban. "You know what,nevermind" Britain said and continued eating and the rest of the family seemed to be oblivious to the short conversation.

  Malay hoped that Britain hadn't suspected anything about last night. She wanted to keep it a secret until she was ready because she was still shocked and confused at what she had just experienced. How was Malay supposed to answer the questions asked by her new family?

Next week at school

  As usual,Malay would get beaten up but she felt more safer that Mpaja is always there for her. She was confused on why Mpaja didnt want to show herself to the English family and attend school but figured out that maybe Mpaja would still get the education just by hanging around in the class with Malay and listen to the teacher at the same time. Mpaja had also made a promise to Malay that if she ever got beaten up by a bully,she would beat them up though Malay just thought it was a joke.

  "Ok,now why dont we use the other way into the school instead of this little way? Maybe go through the main door this time,idiot" Mpaja pointed to the door that was swarming with students. Clearly the bullies wont be able to beat her up if there are people watching.

During recess
  Malay sat on the tree branch that was thankfully sturdy enough for her weight while reading a book. She found the book when she was homeschooled by France. Then she felt a sharp pain on her foot. Looking down,she saw Billy and his gang with slingshots and acorns all pointing at her. Mpaja got into very aware mode and the three stars in her black coloured eye glowed.

  "Well,well,well. Looks like the freaky orphan is a monkey too!" Billy laughed. Malay,still not moving from her spot spoke up," I am not a monkey! And dont call me an orphan!You guys are pigs! You just keep on bullying innocent people and you dont even feel guilty about it!" It was hard for her to speak up ever since the fifth time she got beaten up. Ever since that day,she felt that noone except the ones she already knew should be trusted incase they turn out to be as evil as Billy.

  One of the gang members shot Malay straight on the chest and she winced in pain which caused her to lose balance and fell to the ground.

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