Chapter fifteen

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Hades had made it part of his daily routine to come and  sightsee very close to my pack's territory. The guards have come complaining to me that he'd just stand there observing them. It was becoming very unsettling, so I wanted to have a talk with him. The weird thing is that he stood where he could clearly see my room and he was in the place all the time.

Not creepy at all!

As I approached the area he was already there. He is  in black. Didn't he own other clothes?

"Hades how wonderful it is to see you here. Might I ask what the occasion is?" I made sure he sensed my sarcasm. He is becoming a bother and the fact that I still had a decision to make.

"I wanted to invite to the ball but didn't have a way of asking." That took me by surprise. "Seeing as we'll be allies at some point, I wanted us to be friends first."

"I'm not planning on going to the ball, those events bore me. We are not becoming allies, my decision is not yet made. Don't make choices for me." The nerve of this man, coming into my territory, scaring my pack and threating us to accept his alliance.

"It would be in your best interest to accept the proposal. I don't want to fight you or destroy such beautiful land. It would be a waste. As allies we could protect each other and I'm sure we could become acquainted."

He had a good point. Greenland  needed allies and we needed supplies and resources if we were going to expand our territory. I was however, skeptical of accepting help from the rogue king. All I've been told about him the past days weren't the best of things. He makes illegal trades and executed people who made him upset. I didn't want to work with a psycho.

"Why wouldn't go to an event planned by your grandfather?"

"The other alphas piss me off. They think that I'm not fit to be alpha. Everytime it's the same story and criticism." I don't why I was telling him all this. It was weird, I only ever talked to Xander like this.

"You have nothing to prove to those old hags. You are already a good alpha, standing up to me is admirable. Let's go together and make some old men mad." He had a mischievous side to him. It was weird but comforting. I'd take his offer if he wasn't the rogue king.

He might have sensed me second guessing, "I won't do anything and I also miss Everest. That old man was a pain for me, just want to greet him."

"You can always call."

"No, I'd rather see him face to face. I love an audience."

"The proposal is appealing and I also want to see their faces. However, if you do anything to my grandfather I will end you. Come pick me up at three and you'll be driving. Also get away from here you are making my pack uneasy."

"I'm looking forward to that. Make sure you look sexy," I have no idea why my breath hitched at that statement. His smirk was another thing, he has to stop doing that.

"Get going Hades," I tried my best to sound strict. I would have to check myself around him, I don't know why I was reacting to his words and he wasn't relevant.

I made sure he left before made my way back. I don't know I had just agreed to but I pray to the moon goddess that I hadn't made a bad decision.

Now, to get an outfit.

I would make sure it's the least sexiest outfit.


"You agreed to what?" My mother shouted at me, making me  flinch cause I wasn't expecting that reaction.

"That man is dangerous and you think after one event with him you'll know his intentions. Are you trying to get yourself killed? He is deceiving you. If all alphas see you together, they might form and alliance against us." She was already red and seemed out of breathe.

"I'm sorry mom but I don't care what the other alphas think. They already treat me like dirt cause I'm a woman. They think I should have been the one taken. I'm not about to please those who wish death upon me. Hades hasn't done anything yet to me, so I have no reason to hate him."

My mom was pacing the room, ready to explode. My father and sister, were quietly sitting looking at the both of us. I was expecting war from my dad but he looked calm.

"Dear you don't have to see what he has done so that you can believe. He's a bad man, you should trust us. We have seen what he can do and I don't want that done to you," she sounded so sad.

I wanted to make them believe something I didn't understand myself. I know I can trust him, something in me did. He might be bad, heck he looks like a bad person. I'm sure they don't know his side of the story.

"Mom if you want me to grow, you have to let me make decisions on my own. My own mistakes, you can't just baby me all the time. I have lost my mate, I've experienced such pain at a young age and I'm still standing."

"Talk sense into your daughter, she's going to get herself killed." My wolf growled within me at statement. They thought I didn't know what I was getting myself into.

"You may be my parents but I'm capable of making my own decisions. As your current alpha I demand respect, family or not."

I could see the defiance from their stance. They didn't like that I talked back at them and I completely understand that. However, as their alpha, daughter or not I demanded respect.

"I'm going to get my outfits ready, I hope you'll join me at grandpa's place," with that I left.


"You know they are concerned for you sis. Don't push us away, we know what your going through."

I looked at Zoey as if she had two heads. "You know what it's like to lose your mate? Wanting to give up but have to put the needs of the pack before your own? To be hated by your in-laws cause they think you cursed their son? Been undermined by people just cause your a female alpha?"

"Which one of those can you relate with me Zo cause I'm dying to know."

"You are just trying to be mean and hurt me but I won't allow that. You know damn well how much pain I'm in cause of my mate and I don't have to explain that. I've stood with you all this time so that gives you no right to speak to me that way."

I looked at my sister and was amazed that she stood up for herself. She would look nice as a warrior.

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to make ends meet hoping that he won't betray me at the end. I don't know what it is about him, I feel like I can already trust him, and he can help find Xander. He has the resources, the people. I just have to do this Zo." I pleaded with my sister to understand.

"Fine but if he does something to you, I'm getting his head," she looked cute when seriously threatening some alpha rogue king.

"I would expect nothing less," we laughed and then she helped pick an outfit.

I would do anything for this girl and my pack. I would make sure that we remained strong even if I had to make a deal with the devil.
                                                                 To be continued..............................
And that is it.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, I've had a great time writing this chapter.

I just noticed how much work I have with this book and that's okay cause I will take it one step at a time.

Bye for now.

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