10: You Can Count on Me

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1st March,1513

  Its a new month in the new school year! Its also test month! Torture of studies! Yeay!

Indo's Pov
  Ah,tests... I hate them. And Im sure this year I will fail maths...again.

  I walked to my class and sate next to Malay. It was a miracle that she,Phil,Nether,Australia and New Zealand got into the same class. Last year Phil wanted to be in the same class as them. And by the way,Phil's twin brother,Martial Law joined us in the same class too.

  "Hey Indo!" Malay,who still has her hibiscus pin stuck in her hair greeted me. She hasn't changed a bit and Im glad. "Did you study for the pop quiz today?" She asked me. Oh no! I didnt even know there was a pop quiz! "Uhhh,I didnt even know there was one! What is the quiz about?" I asked in a panicked tone. "English. Then we're gonna have maths since we have that class today" she said. Welp I guess Im dead since I didnt even pay attention in class! I regret doing that...

  Just then,I heard a voice. Pki. "Just study with that kid. You should've studied with me" I met him last year when I had a mental breakdown after an evening of getting beaten up by Dutch. Nether was there to aid me but my mental scars can never be treated by bandages. Pki came and told me that he was my twin brother that got terminally ill as a baby and died. Now we are friends. "Well Im sorry but its not like you know everything about school. You dont even listen to the teacher too!" I muttered to him under my breath.

  "Who are you talking to? Indo?" Malay interrupted my little mental fight with Pki,us sending thoughts to each other. "Uh,yes! Why dont we study now. Im sure we have time-" I tensed up when I heard the bell ring,signifying that its time for class. I was nervous,and I really dont need to get grounded again.

  After the quiz,I was really scared because I only knew how to do like half of the quiz since half of it was writing a short story and I had no idea what to do. I ran to Malay for help.

  "Malay! I need help with maths!" I knew that she would help me since she is good at this blasted subject. Especially on multiplication and division. "I need help on the maths quiz. Please,help me"
"Ok! Now we should start on the basics" she started. Thats how I got a lecture on maths by my best friend who I have a pretty big crush on. I cant help but stare at her while listening attentively to her explanation on the subject. At the end of the little lesson we made sure that we'll pass the quiz and the upcoming test. We will revise everything we've learned in two months and will do the same for future tests and quizzes.

  I passed the quiz. Now for the other few quizzes and revisions for the upcoming test.

Next week,Tuesday
  Luckily,I aced the English and National Language tests yesterday. National Language is the new subject where only countryhumans can learn. Its about our origin language so that we can still learn about our mother-tongue language and some of our culture too. Its more of like a tuition and we we were tutored by.... Britain since he has traveled the whole world and learned the national languages there. He said he always wanted to be a part time teacher and a soldier,which he already is.

  Today we have Maths and Science. Maths first. For the past week,me and Malay had study sessions untill late into the evening after we finished with our Islamic classes with Saudi Arabia. Me and Malay were hoping to see our long lost siblings there but they weren't. We just hoped they are safe and happy.

  The test papers were handed out,I prayed before doing the test and started.

The next week

  Today we are getting our test results. I was thinking of a getting an F for everything but I am blessed by God to get an A. I thanked Malay for the study sessions and she told me,

"You can always count on me"

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Soooo this chapter was complete trash😀 Its more of a oneshot but eh  ^○^

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