Meeting Brahms

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As I enter the huge mansion that sits in front of my eyes, i can't help but feel cold. The coldness of the empty corridors sent chill through my body."where is everyone?" I mutter to myself hoping someone would come forward so i wasn't stood staring at a deer's head any longer but no one appeared.I looked at the carpet and contemplated taking my shoes off. "It would be rude to leave them on" I spokeI took my shoes off and as I was doing so I felt as if I was being watched, I peaked my head up but saw no one I looked down again to unzip my left shoe an put them asidemy suitcase. I made my way to the first set of stairs I was walking as I was halfway up the stairs I heard something like...footsteps, as I stopped in my tracksI could still hear them clear as day. I tried to find which direction they were coming from and I turned towards the wall to the right..footsteps? in a wall? I've been here 5 minutes and I'm already losing the plot. I continued walking until i reached the second floor, I spotted a room, a child's room "this must be his room" I said thinking about the boy i was going to be babysitting for 4 months. His name is Brams? no, Brahms. Odd name but unique apart from that I was told that i will have a list of rules to "obey". I'm not a dog was my first thought when I heard Miss Heelshire say that word but I kept my mouth shut, eager for the cash. They said a grocery boy will be by every week with groceries and my pay £500 wow. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone behind me, I turned aroundand saw a tall, broad and well mannered man, he was at least 6'4."Hi, you must be the grocery boy" I said as I looked up at his...mask? why was he wearing a mask?"no..I'm b-br-Brahms" he stated with a stutterBrahms is a grown man? why am i babysitting a grown man? all these questions flooded my brain."you're Brahms?" i questioned"yes" he stated emotionally we stood in silence for a few moments until an older women toddled over it must be Miss Heelshire."Hello, Miss (l/n)." she spoke"Hi, you are Miss Heelshire correct?""Yes I am dear, I see you've met my son Brahms.""Yes aha he caught me by surprise" I chuckledthey didn't find it funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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