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November 28,1678
Malay's Pov

Im now an adult and I haven't seen Indo in a really long time. From 1602 to be exact. I heard he got colonised by his own adoptive father,Dutch. I feel very sorry for him.

"Malay,what are you doing? Jom makan(come eat)" Mpaja called out for me pulling me out of my thoughts. "Ah,ya. Sekejap lagi ya(Later ok)" I replied.

I ate my food in silence,thinking about my entire childhood. I was just thinking about my first encounter with Mpaja when I felt a hand shaking my right arm. "Ey,Malay. You gonna eat that?" I looked to see Ame with a face that shows he had a question for me. "Uh,y-yeah".

Later I went out to the tree I used to play on with my brothers and friends. The tree was dying after all the years it went through. I remembered that Phil could not only heal wounds on humans and animals but can also restore and keep plants alive so she used her powers to restore the tree. That's why the tree lasted longer than it's expected lifespan.

But without her guarding the tree it began to die slowly. Luckily,she sends letters to me and our friends every week so we kept in touch. In her last letter she said that she has mastered 'forever plant life'. She said that she can expand a plant's lifespan without her having to always restore it. She wished she could come back to the tree to restore it but her father and brothers has never let her step a foot out of her colonised country.

"Im going out for groceries" I said. Mpaja followed suit. "Im coming with you girl" she said. Even though Mpaja is kind of a ghost-that-can only-be seen-by some she grows like how us countries do. Which means she needs new clothes. So her clothes just come out of nowhere. For some reason though,she's starting to look more person-like but weirder. When I first met her,she had a tint of white and was a little translucent. But now she is fully opaque but has a tint of red on her. I also saw a thin layer of red aura surrounding Mpaja. I wonder why.

Mpaja broke me out of my thoughts. We arrived at the market. "Alright so we need tomatoes,cucumbers,broccoli,
carrots,mangoes,apples and peaches. The rest we can get back at our farm" I listed down all the things that we need.

I tried to keep myself from punching Mpaja with buying groceries whenever she complained about something. Here and there I'll hear a complaint about how un-modest some people are and how dirty some of them look. Rude. And she's the one who's always telling me to be nice.

While picking out apples,I bumped into someone wearing an outfit that looked like the baju melayu men from my birth land always wore. "Ah,sorry" the person said. I looked up to see a countryhuman who looked like Indo but has a white cresent moon and five stars in a circle at the red part of his face and no golden wings.

"Ah! Its ok. I wasnt looking where I was going either" I picked up the fallen apples with his help and put them in my basket. "Again,Im very sorry" he apologised again. I reassured him and we went our separate ways.

Singapore Pov
That fair maiden i just saw was very pretty. I helped gather her groceries and went on my way back home. I spent most of my childhood in the Asean house because my mom just abandoned me there,as what Uncle Asean said. Uncle Asean's like a father figure to me,not only me but everyone in the house.

Some just look up to him,like Laysia,Nesia,Timor,Thailand and Brunei but most of us look up to him as a father figure. I tought of Uncle Asean like that so much I once accidentally called him dad. He was so happy to hear me say that but I got a lot of teasing from my peers. Uhuh,as if they hadn't called him the same thing too.

After that incident,Uncle Asean let me call him dad so now its just dad.

I smiled at the memories while walking back to my little house. Nothing much,but good enough for me.

My house is just a traditional Malay house and its also a little small but enough for me to live in. The decoration was just a few photo frames hanging on the wall,an aloe vera plant in a pot sitting in the corner and some Al-Quran writings carved on a board and hanged on the wall.

I wondered why did the lady I saw just now at the market looked a lot like Laysia? Could it be...no,it cant be. Laysia said she went missing and died in the forest. But there could be a chance.

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