Chapter 30: Traitor

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(Third Person's Point of View)

The moon has shone at its brightest when the shadow demons had begun to come out of the portals. The galaxy-like portal makes a soft-pitched sound whenever a creature comes out of the portal. They would immediately walk far from the portal and be with the other of their likeness to wait for their new lord.

Theodre was there to witness everything. He was sweating bullets as he hid behind a huge tree and spied on them. He controls her breathing to calm himself and continues to communicate with Vandris.

Get out of there, Theodre. Now!

He immediately obliged his master's command and used a witch's black dust called aterrias to teleport himself from the forest back to the people's residence.

The shadow demons continue to come out of the portals that were scattered around Erether, all six portals just standing away from people's vision.

Gazing through a thousand houses and cabins, the shadow demons had only felt anger and the thirst for revenge towards the humans. But those anger weren't solely come from, it came from their new lord who felt so much hatred for the human who killed her. It envelopes them and an immense bloodlust was all they felt.

They surrounded Erether, and the chiroufs began to fly in the air, thirsting for souls, making sure the humans had nowhere to go but death. And at that moment, one last creature finally comes out of the portal and all of the shadow demons kneel on the ground, paying their respect to their new lord.

Victoria stood there amongst them, her eyes black and cold, and her entire body was covered with black smoke except for her head, or shadows of the dead as they call it. Darkness and evilness have embraced her, and she had embraced them back. She loosened her arms, feeling her immense power surging in her veins. Then, the invisible weapon appears in her hand, a long sword sharp enough to cut the huge trees in the forest.

"Kill," she whispered, her voice crisp through the night and her words brought by the air to all of the dark creatures.

And they attacked.

She lowered her gaze and that's when she noticed a woman kneeling in front of her, head bowing, greeting her as the new lord. She cocked her head and a smirk brought down upon her lips, slowly recognizing the woman.


"Stand up."

Tianna's face lightens up, assuming that her daughter had recognized her even though the blood of a shadow demon now flows through her veins and she became a new person-or rather, a demon. But then she was wrong.


Tianna loudly gasped as Victoria's strong grip suddenly strangled her neck, its sharp claws digging into her flesh. She became paled in an instant. Tianna then held her wrist and look at her with pleading and tearing eyes, hoping she would take pity on her. Victoria's eyes became all black and even some veins in her face had started to get dark as she looks at Tianna's eyes with gritted teeth.

"W-Why..." she barely whispered and hissed as the blood on her had started to come out.

"Why, you ask?" She said, her voice sounding different from a normal voice. It was groggy, eerie and Tianna knew it was the demons inside her. "Because you lied to me. You put me up to this situation because of your selfish intentions."

"N-No. That's not true..." She pants, out of breath. "I was doing it for you!"

"For me?!" She tightens her grip even more and that makes Tianna choke. "Don't you fucking lie to me, mother!" Victoria's voice became normal. It was her voice this time. "I know now that you are my real mother. But because of you, I became like this. You created a demon. And you even lied about the fact that you're my mother!"

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