Intro 😹

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Once there was a tiny figure, Tiana. A sussy baka girl owned her and took her around to school n shi. Then she got lost in the sewerss. This made sussu baka grill depressed, so she got arieell bloddy arieell. Ariel got lost too becuz jt was stolen by sum kidddd. Now Tiana and Ariel are jn the sewers plotting their reveengeee on the kids who stole theem. Tiana was honted by a lil girl and Ariel was honted by a wanted murderer skal anioop. They Ariel was bloddyyy and Tiana wos dirtyyy wif diiirtt. They was in hosue and was drinking tee. "Uhh so ur like an old lady gross." Sed titiana "Rude much chile." Sed Ariel.

Ven vats it for va begiving so ye 💩

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