18: A State's Life

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A/N: This will be in the statehuman's perspective
Melaka's Pov
  I waved my mom and uncle goodbye,praying that they will be safe. "Now,lets go inside"

  The first thing I have to do now is make breakfast for my 7 other siblings. Selangor came up to me. "Abang,apa nak buat?(Big brother,what to do?)" "Tolong bancuh air teh untuk semua orang kecuali Pinang(Please make tea for everyone except Pinang)" This entire family is a tea fanatic probably because our mom grew up with tea.

  I finished setting up the food and called my siblings to eat. "Waaa! Nasi lemak! Thank you!" Actually,the nasi lemak was made by mom before she left. "Im gonna go check our food supply. Who knows if things get dire and we cant get food" Selangor whispered into my ear after we finished eating.

'I just hope things dont get dire'

Selangor's Pov
  A month has passed and we got letters from mom saying that the British soldiers has started to meddle with some people's lives in another village near ours.

  "Dont worry Selangor. Grandpa Britain wont let his soldiers harm us!" Negeri 9 reassured me. But I knew I saw a hint of worry in her eyes. "Alright"

  I followed Kedah and Kelantan to play in the forest. "Dont climb too high ok!" I reminded them when we were climbing up a tree. "Sure" they said in a lazy tone. I've always thought Kedah would be the more mature twin but NO! He's just the same as Kelantan!

  "You're kinda boring Sel" Kedah said. "Yeah....come on! Lets climb higher!" Kelantan then proceeded to climb higher up the tree. "Kelantan! Come down!" I yelled at that little naughty boy.

  Then I heard a branch crack. Oh no. "Kelantan!" I watched my little brother fall. "Are you ok?" Kedah asked. "Yeah...should've listened to you,abang" Kelantan didnt injure himself but he was really shocked. "Well you should've!" I started nagging at Kelantan while Kedah smirked,earning a glare from Kelantan.

  "Langor! You're just like mom and dad when we do something fun!" Kelantan groaned. "That wasnt fun,that was dangerous! You could've broken a bone!" I continued to scold the two until we got back home.

  "Hey,where's abang Melaka?" "Oh,he went out. Probably fishing" Negeri 9 said. "ALONE?! He may be a few decades old already but that's a child's age for us! He's only 8 in country-state years!" I was really worried for him. I know that he can take care of himself;he can even survive living in the forest for a MONTH!

  But with all this British thing Im afraid for my brother's safety.
Melaka's Pov
  I was at the river near our house trying to catch a fish. "I know fishy. Selangor will be worried sick and might tell mom in another letter" I pretended to talk to the fishes. "Blub blub grrgrgrblub" the fishes 'replied'. "Haha"

  I returned home for Maghrib prayer. "Finally! You're home" Negeri 9 greeted me. Then I got an earful from Selangor.
  Two months passed and things didnt get all that better. The foreign soldiers didnt wanna go and took control over my state,aka where we are living in right now. We didnt have much food at home  so I went out with Negeri 9 to buy some groceries. The problem is,we dont know what should be bought.

  Rice is a must and we had chickens and veggies that we grew. We didnt want chicken for lunch but picked some spinach and tomatoes to be cooked.

  "We should make curry today!" Pinang said. "Alright. That means we need the curry powder and leaves. But what curry do you want?" Selangor asked. "Maybe chicken?". "None of us wants chicken, Pinang" Kelantan reminded her.

  "Well then I'll just go catch a fish later on" I said.

Negeri Sembilan Pov
  At the market,we went to the vendor to pay for our purchases. "Maaf adik,duit ni tak cukup(Sorry kid,this money isnt enough)" the vendor said.

  "Alamak...(shoot...)" "Abang,how much did you bring?" I whispered to Melaka. He looked away thinking. "I've only brought 2 cents. Looks like it isnt enough"

(A/N: the price of things at that time were really cheap)

  "Tak apa adik. Esok kamu berdua boleh bayar balik. Kalau tak boleh,abang halalkan hutang(Its ok. Tomorrow you two can pay back. If you cant,I'll legalise the debt)"

  "Terima kasih abang!(Thank you!)". The curry powder was 10 cents so we need to pay the vendor back 8 cents. Luckily this market was close to our house so we payed the guy back after returning home.

  "Waaah! Sedapnya!(Waaah! So delicious!)" Selangor's cooking skills were awesome! Not only was he smart but also a really good cook. "I envy your cooking skills,Selangor" Melaka said. "Well mama was the one who taught me"
  Another month passed and mama didnt came home yet. She did once but it was merely a visit and she went back to the military base the next day.

  "When are these foreign soldiers gonna get out of our country? They've made free labour acceptable!" Kedah said. "I know. I guess we just have to wait it out" Kelantan reassured him.

  Thats when we remembered we have another brother,Johor. This baby was always forgotten in the flood of us kids. But somehow,we still remembered to feed and take care of him,even though for some reason he can just vanish into nothingness. Yeah,we're the worst older siblings.

  "Waaaaaa!!!!" Johor cried. We found him under the chair. Dont ask me how this 10 month old baby can get there. "Apa kau buat kat sini?( What are you doing here?)" I picked him up and brought him to our parents' room that we slept in after both our parents went to war. Sometimes we even forget that we have two parents since our dad was mostly out busy with work or something.

  I fear for our parents' marriage because they rarely see each other anymore.


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