19: Attacked(a bit of history)

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A/N: Some of the text were copypasted from Wikipedia
Some things might be innacurate so,feel free to correct me

Third Person Pov
War. Thats all that's been happening these days. Many countries has been colonised,battles were fought around the world,traumatising many.

In Malaysia,the British has started causing ruckus. They've gained control over the entirety of Malaya,North Borneo(Sabah) and Sarawak. In the year 1824,the Dutch had to hand over Melaka to the British using the Anglo Dutch Treaty. Melaka was free from the Dutch,but now has to deal with Britain.

In 1826,the British formed the Straits Settlements: Melaka,Singapore and Pulau Pinang. In 1874,the British 'campur tangan' with Perak and expanded his 'pengaruh' in Malaya until WW2.

In North Borneo,the North Borneo Chartered Company(NBCC) aka British North Borneo Company(BNBC) was formed on 1 November 1881 to administer and exploit the resources of North Borneo (present-day Sabah in Malaysia). The territory became a protectorate of the British Empire in 1888 but the company remained involved with the territory until 1946, when administration was fully assumed by the Crown colony government.

The company also temporarily administered the island of Labuan in 1890 before it became part of the Straits Settlements.[3][4][5] The company motto was Pergo et Perago, which means "I persevere and I achieve" in Latin. Its founder and first chairman was Alfred Dent.[6][7]

Meanwhile in Sarawak,James Brooke ruled over Sarawak in 1841,used the nickname 'White Rajah' and after his death,his family ruled over the area until they had to give Sarawak to the British in 1946.

Some tried to rebel against him like Rentap. The reason Rentap wanted to rebel was because James thought of the Iban people as pirates and got rid of Ibanese homes in Nangka Skrang. In 1853,Rentap managed to attack James's 'kubu'.

The reason the British wanted to colonise Malaya was because they needed the resources from our country like tin,rubber and oil. Now these guys can just buy these things from other country je la.

Meanwhile in all this ruckus...

Melaka's Pov
Mom and uncle were still out there. On the battlefield. I feel bad. I heard the British wanted us to pay a really expensive tax. I heard a guy named Dol Said had to pay ⅒ of his yearly produce to the British which made him want to rebel against them.

"Waaaaaaa!!!" My little brother Johor cried. "Sembilan,can you please make him stop?" "Waaaaa!!!!" That little crotch goblin. You must've thought that being the oldest of 9 kids I might've gotten used to it which is true but cries are still annoying! Pinang's two year old cries are already enough to make me wanna jump out the window.

  Finally that little kid stopped crying. He was just hungry. "Aku keluar sekejap,ok?(Im going out for a while,ok?)" I walked through the woods heading towards my hideout near the riverbank. Its the place where I find peaceful and kicks out the stress of the world.

  Suddenly I heard rustling from the other side of the river. My tiger ears pick the sound up easily. I stood low while peering through the bushes cautiously. On the other side there was a young man in a British military uniform. He looked a bit injured. Limping while holding a rifle,he kneeled down to get some water to clean his wounds.

  'Maybe he's not a threat' I thought. 'But he has a rifle. If I do something that'll scare him,he might shoot me. Best to play it safe and walk away' I started to crawl on the ground hoping the soldier wont see me.

  "Oi,who's there?" I stopped in my tracks. 'Did he see me?'. I was afraid to turn around. What if he wants to harm me? Wait,he's injured! He probably wants me to come help! But I'll play it safe a little.

  "Aaa...Helloo! Its just me,a kid!" I said turning around with my hands up. "I see that you're injured;need any help?"

  Just when I said that,the soldier pointed his rifle at me. 'I guess I scared him'. I dunno how he's gonna shoot me from across the river so I'll just-


  Blood spewed out from my thigh. Run. So I started running in the opposite direction,trying to hold back the cry of pain. I had my tiger ears out and European countries and states dont usually have powers like us Asian countries and states. Which means that this British soldier has never seen a power like this. He probably thought I was using that whitchcraft thing.

  I arrived at my house. Selangor ran up to me with a worried expression. "What happened?!" "Some guy shot me out of fear. He had an injured leg and I wanted to help him". My siblings brought me inside and took the bullet out.

  "Eww...is that metal?" Kedah said. "Bullets are metal? How can metal hurt you?" Kelantan asked.

  "Well,it isnt really the bullet that can harm you,its the gun. The gun puts pressure on the bullet and the bullet goes flying and because of the bullet going at a really high speed,when coming in contact with something or someone,it can injure or break that thing" Selangor explained.

  "Are you calling me a thing?" I joked. Selangor then tied up my bandage tightly and harshly. "Ow! I was just joking!" He looked at me with an uninterested expression. "Really?"
Selangor's Pov
  After what happened yesterday,I didnt allow Melaka to go anywhere in fear that the soldier recognizes him and will shoot him again. I went out to buy a book Negeri 9 said was on sale.

  The book was a small book of old legends. It was pretty cheap and a lot of kids seemed to like it. I even saw a grown man come and read it before paying for it. I took another copy and checked if I had enough money.

  Ok,good! Theres enough. I went to pay when some kind of vehicle came. Out came some men wearing military uniforms. "Hey Bakar! Sudah bayar hutang kamu?(Have you payed your debt yet?)" The soldier went up to the shopkeeper and talked in Malay with a British accent.

  "M-maaf Sir Jonas! Aku tak cukup duit!(Sorry Sir Jonas! I dont have enough money!)" Sir Jonas then grabbed Mr. Bakar by the collar and slammed him into a stack of books. All the customers watched in horror. Some tried to help but got smacked by the other soldiers while some ran away. I stayed there not knowing where to go or what to do so I just stood there cluelessly.

  "Hey budak. Mari sini(Hey kid. Come here)" someone whispered yelled to me. I turned around to see a Chinese woman beckoning me to come over to her. I knew I shouldn't follow strangers but I think its fine due to this.....situation.

  "Bagus. Sana itu bahaya. Mari mak cik bawa adik balik(Good. Its dangerous there. Let aunty bring you home)" I thought its ok to follow her but I told her that my house was nearby. "Baiklah. Mak cik bawa adik luar dari kawasan ini sahaja(Alright. I'll only bring you out of this area)"

  "Ibu ayah adik di mana?(Where is your mom?)" She asked while on our way. "Mama saya askar. Ayah saya pun askar(My mom is a soldier. My dad is also a soldier)". The woman looked at me wide eyed. "Jadi,siapa jaga adik?(So,who takes care of you?)" "Saya ada ramai adik-beradik. Abang yang jaga kami(I have many siblings. My big brother takes care of us)"

  "Adik ni,statehuman kan? Adik negeri apa?(You are a statehuman right? What is your state?)" I nodded and told her Im the state of Selangor Darul Ehsan. "Ah,sudah sampai. Selamat jalan!(Ah,we're here. Safe journey!)" We waved each other goodbye as I jogged to my house.

  "Dah balik dah? Awalnya(Already home? So early)" Negeri 9 said. "Mana buku baru tu?(Wheres the new book?)" Melaka asked. "Tak dapat. Kedai tu ada askar yang nak duit hutang dia(Couldn't get. The store had soldiers that want their debt money)"



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