21: Work,Work,Child Labour

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Melaka's Pov
Clearly we cant depend on our parents for now. I need to go get a job,even if Im just a child. For my family.

Selangor insisted he'd help since he's also an older brother. But I say I'll go since Im the oldest and big brothers need to care for their siblings.

I went out in hopes someone would hire me to work on their paddy field or store,but I knew I'd just get pushed away for being a 'nuisance'. But finally,a man hired me to work for rubber. The problem is,his little business was taken by the new colonizers and most of the employees didnt get much pay. Here,anyone was lucky to even get a cent. Get those banana notes the Japanese made us use recently,you'd be considered rich.

I decided to work here anyways. Less pay for work is better than no job no pay at all,right? Besides,Im sure my siblings can plant some vegetation.
A few days had passed and I felt pain. My boss wont let me take a break untill I finish my job. I was sweating profusely,getting so thin,getting tired easily and I saw many of the other employees getting little to no pay.

I thought that,if these people can come and invade my country then surely they can pay us workers! Its not fair! These people just sit around,boss us around while we starve and get poorer by the day.

A few weeks had passed and things weren't even getting better. I could say it was getting worse. First of all,Im not getting the pay I was promised,which caused me to almost strangle my boss if it weren't for the other workers stopping me. Second of all,many villages nearby were attacked and me and my siblings were scared for our lives. We did a prayer every night to ensure our safety and if we do die,we'll get placed with the good people.

Third of all,news of these colonisers torturing many innocent people went around the country fast,and Im worried for my parents since they're soldiers and had to be in close contact with these colonisers on the battlefield. Everyday,I'll pray to Allah that this whole situation will end soon. It could be weeks until we get our freedom,but I'll readily wait till then.

Malay's Pov
Im now sitting in a room with.....the person who colonised me. Who I call- used to call 'father'. "Hello there dear" Britain greets me in a friendly tone. "Dont act like we're friends,ok?" I said rather harshly. "Of course we arent just friends! We're like father and daughter"

"Why Britain? Why did you colonised me? Why didnt you protect me from them! You promised! Dont you remember?!" I yelled. Britain's eyes widened as I speak.

Flashback,three months before the Japanese occupation
I met my dad,Britain at his house. He called me for a meeting. "Hello there dear. Care for some tea?" He greeted me in a friendly tone,pointing to the teapot. I sat down and shook my head no.

"Why do I need to meet you? I have to fight off your troops so I can go home and see my children" I said in a cold,harsh tone. "Dear,I've cared for you for years. I was your go to for advice and protection. So,I want to promise you something" he said placing his cup down. He stood up and went to the ginormous window.

"I will protect you from any harm. I cant promise your country and people that though. I want to see you safe. So I'll do my best to protect you"

End flashback
"I've never agreed to protect your country,Malaysia! I promised to protect you!" Britain said. He had a point. He only agreed to protect me. He couldn't promise to protect my country and people. "But Britain-" "Call me 'dad'" he said cutting me off.

"But dad,Im my own country. Which means that you need to protect me and my country. Also,if you wanted to protect me,why didnt you fought off them?" I tried to reason with him.

"Malaysia,I couldn't. Im sorry I couldn't do anything when the Japanese decided to invade your land but like I said. I couldn't promise protection for your country and people. This is why. Its easier to protect one person or just one family but its harder to protect an entire nation!" Britain said.

"If its so hard to protect a nation,how did you protect your country when you were in war with other countries? I understand,you're not in control of your government. But you are the general of your own army. Since your country's the one who's in control of mine,shouldn't you and your army atleast try to protect us?" I question him. Wrong move.

"I tried,Malaysia! I tried but I failed! Im sorry! Its just...I never wanted to colonise you;I was just following orders! Me and my troops tried to protect you and your people but we failed!" He yelled. In his eyes,I see tears and sadness. "Im sorry,dad. I shouldn't have said that" I apologised. I excused myself and teleported to Laysia.

Selangor's Pov
I sat on the stairs waiting for Melaka to come home. Ever since he got that hell job,he has been coming home late,drenched in sweat,covered in bruises and had dirty clothes. Despite that,he always greeted us with a smile.

"Assalamualaikum! Melaka dah balik!(Assalamualaikum! Melaka is home!)" I stood up quickly and ran to hug my brother. "Melaka!" He returned the hug and we went inside. Just as he was washing his feet using the tempayan,I heard a wince. Melaka had bruises on his neck and arms,bandages from yesterday were torn off.

"Melaka,what happened!" I was worried sick. "I-its nothing. Just trying to protect a worker from getting beaten" he said. Melaka was always trying to help and protect. Mama always say that he'd be a great leader. I guess this leader is leading us now. "Lets get you bandaged up"

When we entered the house,Negeri 9 was shocked. "Melaka! Come here,I'll bandage you up" our sister has always been the nurse and caretaker of this family. The red twins stopped playing when they saw their older brother hurt.

"What happened to him?" Kedah asked. "He....tried to protect someone"

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