Chapter 1

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What the hell Katsuki!?!
Mitsuki was shocked to find he's son on the floor crying

Bakugou was panicking, he was crying hating his life for doing something he regretted

Mitsuki's Pov-
Omg I was shocked see my son crying, I run up to him and hug him,
My dear what's wrong?
Are you OK?
Can u hear me?
Please Katsuki tell me what's wrong?

Mitsuki hugged his son offering him to tell his son what's wrong

Bakougou's Pov-
Oh No Oh No Oh No Oh No, This can't be happening, Tell me this is just a dream, This can't be real, Why me W-why me

As Bakugou cried his mother didn't know what to do so his mother just cradle him and whisper soft words to calm the boy down, And it worked the boy fell asleep in his mother's arms, The mother didn't know why his son is crying but knowing the boy he won't tell his mother if something is even though it could ruin his life,
The Next Day

Bakougou's Pov-
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, As I turned it off I notice that I was in my bed, I remembered everything last night that I was crying, Oh No this can't good my mother saw me crying Oh No, This is bad really bad how am I supposed to be a hero when I can't even protect myself, I knew this was a bad idea, I was break out of my when there's a weird feeling in my stomach as I got up and run to the Bathroom I kneel down the toilet bowl and puke my guts out it hurts that I have tears in my eyes, after that I just sit on the floor tired, I've been doing this for the past 2days, I can't leave like this, As I get up and go to my room I checked my phone and look at the time, it's to early for school and normaly I would be doing work outs by now but the doctor said I can't because it will hurt the baby -by I mean baby yes I'm pregnant- So no work outs for me I'm just gonna get ready for school

At School

I opened our classroom door I noticed that no-one was there so I'm thankful that no-one will disturb me, As I walked to my seat I put my bag down and grab my phone and look at the time I'm thirty minutes early so I guess I can just listen to music, As I was about to grab my earbuds in my bag I saw someone walk in as we made eyecontact, There he is the one and only Shoto Todoroki, The youngest son of number1 hero and the one who... Got me pregnant, we look at eachother and he smiled at me it made me blush but I just give my original angry scowl giving him the sign that I'm mad at him, He give me a questioning look but I just looked away, I can't tell him that he got me pregnant it will ruin his reputation and I can't be the who would ruin him so I decided to not tell him and just ignore him like nothing happened between us, he was about to come near me but Kirishima Came in and just smile at use greeting us with a hello I decided to ignore and Sho- I mean Icyhot just go to his but said hello to kirishima before, as kirishima put his bag down in his chair hi come close and sit Infront of me and said hello, Ofcourse I rolled my eyes but I said hello so I know he won't feel sad but I already know that hi don't take my insults seriously and I'm thankful that his my friend, he give me his signature smile and start talking I really did not pay attention I was more like listening to my head bickering that if I should tell Sho- i mean Icyhot that I'm pregnant and his the father or not and just ignore him I was still lost in though that I didn't even notice that some of my classmates are already here until I was bought up to someone shaking as eye blink my eyes two times I saw shittyhair looking at me with a worried face and he was about to say something but he was cut out by aizawa entering the class as he was orderd to go back to his sit as I just sigh and look out the window I don't need to listen to the lessons I already know what's what, im just gonna stare outside and relax

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