An Assorted Collection Of Forgotten Dreams Texts

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An Assorted Collection of Forgotten Dreams Texts

Written by Nahte Yamasztuka

Written from February of 2018 to August of 2020.

Published January 1st, 2022.


Forgotten Dreams began as a novel concept in late 2018 when I was 16 years old and a Sophomore in High School, created shortly before I began to make artwork with intent. The concept began to blossom throughout the year of 2019, as I drew heaps of character art for the writing that developed. This short concept culminated into a National Novel Writing Month entry in November of 2019, which exceeded 10,000 words before the month was out. Being too ambitious of a project, it never got too far past an introduction and a vague story structure.

I left many of my creative endeavors for almost half a year following that November, and in that intermittent time I decided that it would be for the better to leave the two-year-old mess of a story behind, rather than try to rewrite it again and again. This would prove to be the right decision in the long run, as I began to create better stories and improve my writing beyond what I had begun in high school.

You will see many recurring characters throughout these writings which I have posted artwork of in the past, and some characters that have been ported into other projects of mine which I am still actively working on. Many concepts and characters throughout these writings may also bear some similarity to my current stories inherently, as some of the same things that inspired me to write then still inspire me to write now. As I am releasing this document into the public domain, these characters and concepts as they are described and characterized here are free to use for any purpose. However, for using these characters as they are depicted outside of this document, their respective licenses should be advised.

I would consider this writing to be bad, at least compared to what I am producing today. Some of its older contents are nearing four years of age, and looking back on the person who I was when I wrote many of these older documents, I have become someone wholly different. You can see the maturity increase as you read this collection. Although the writing is bad, it is not my place to keep these writings to fade away on a broken hard drive. The person who once wrote these stories would not have wanted them to. It is my intent to release these writings into the public domain, to preserve the spark that began my creative journey, to laugh at the writings I once considered to be the best I would ever develop, and to maybe, just maybe, encourage someone to find their spark too. Keep writing, keep drawing, and keep making things! You will never be able to make something amazing without first summiting a mountain of garbage.

Nahte Yamasztuka, January 1st, 2022.

Document 1: Forgotten Dreams – A Summary

Created on March 6th, 2019. Last Modified on May 17th, 2019.

Note: This is a shorthand summary of my thoughts on this story until this point, which stayed contained in my head until this point in March. There are many spelling errors throughout this one. Many of the concepts had not been introduced at this point, and it is largely unfinished.

Chapter 0: Lost

This chapter begins with Zeljko face down in the snow. We hear his wonderfully worded terrible letter to himself as a snowstorm sets on. He miraculously finds a small concrete box in the snow. Somehow, it is heated. He looks around for some useful things, and ultimately finds a purple volleyball sized orb in one of the bins. He knocks the glowing hexagon, and a ginormous spectacle occurs. Shinii appears out of this ruckus, introducing himself. He learns your name by looking at the letter you show him. To his discovery, Shinii finds that he has been in sleep mode for nine thousand years. This agitates him, as he is angry his creator did not come and wake him. He then tries to contact his creator, and it fails. Shinii slips into histeria for a second, before making his dialogue to zeljko about working together to find the cause of this disappearance. Shinii notes that a mining corporation was only a few kilometers over, and they go to it with dialogue in between. They find an intact tram there, and take it.

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