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Malay's Pov
  I've seen so many of my fellow soldiers die on the battlefield. Just earlier today we were attacked...again. Many soldiers were injured,including Laysia. One of the soldiers who was also Laysia's best friend,was shot in the chest. Laysia held him close till the end. Another was taken by the Japanese.

  Laysia was very sad after that. Everyone was. We just wanted everything to stop,to get peace. Later in the evening a team consisting of four me were sent out to break into a Japanese camp and save the abducted soldier.

  When we arrived there,there were guards around the camp. We followed the plan the general gave us and knocked the guards out. Then,we sneakily entered the camp,careful not to be seen. "Ok. Kau berdua pergi ke sana. Kami ke sini(Ok. You two go over there. We're going here)" Laysia ordered. He was the leader for this team.

  We went our ways. Our part of the team went to save the soldier while the other went to scout  around the area and act as backup. I looked into the room where the soldier is. He looked like he got beaten up. Luckily,there was noone else in the room. The window,which was our only way in had bars and wires all over. Despite that,Laysia easily broke the bars and wires without making much of a sound.

  We got the soldier,got out but was met by a siren and lights pointing in all direction. They caught us! We ran as fast as we could. The other two soldiers came running right behind us,shooting the Japanese soldiers that were on our tails.

  "DIORANG DEKAT!(THEY'RE CLOSE!)" a soldier said. Now I was really mad. Then,I felt a sensation I haven't felt since the British came in. Mpaja...

  You see,when Britain colonised me,I was very angry and Mpaja came out. "Malay,let me control you and we will fight off that man and his army. We will gain power!" I listened to her. Laysia helped me come to my senses and ever since that day,Mpaja has been quiet,like she never existed. But I knew she will always be part of me.

  "Malay! Dont give in to her,its not the right thing to do!" Laysia yelled at me. "WELL WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT NOW?! WE'RE GONNA DIE IDIOT" Then I felt Mpaja taking control. "Thank you sister. I'll take of this". Her voice trailed off as I was enveloped in darkness,then,there was light.

Mpaja's Pov
  All these years I saw what my sister saw. Yes,I too,saw those little brats crying and stuff. I have grown quite attached to Malay's kids,especially Melaka. He seems to have good potential in being a soldier,judging by his kris skills and sense of patriotism.

  I couldn't hear anything outside of Malay's subconscious but I do feel what she feels-happiness,sadness,pleasure, anything! My favorite is when she feels anger and the need for revenge. This was especially strong whenever she was on the battlefield. But her strong sense of morality,kindness and that blasted brother of ours getting in the way,I couldnt control her. Until this night.

  This night,she didnt care anymore. She finally snapped and I used that as a way to control her. "Get outta here boys. Someone wants to battle with me~". I then continued to run towards the Japanese soldiers,shooting all of them with no missed shot.

  I battled every one of them,kicking their a$$es awesomely. "And thats how you deal with them. Now lets go" I said. "Ya'll go first,I have someone to talk to" I heard Laysia say. "Mpaja,what are you doing here? And give me back my sister!" I turned to him. "I am your sister. I died at a young age and now is a part of Malay"

  I saw his eyes. They were tired,and angry. He turned into his tiger form. "I WANT MY SISTER BACK!" I quickly cupped his mouth. "Shut up or you'll get us killed!" I whisper-yelled. I let go if his mouth and marched back to camp. When we almost reached there,I stopped.

  "Laysia,I will be giving Malay back,on one condition" he looked at me. "You arent allowed to stop me from coming back. You may think of me as the bad guy,but Im just trying to help. The people we fought just now are the true bad guys and I will give in all my effort and time to fight them off" Then,I was back in Malay's subconscious.

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