22: British Came In.....Again

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Malay's Pov
After the Japanese occupation I decided to stop being a soldier and care for my children. I heard about Melaka's brutal job and pulled him out of there. I promised all my children that I will care for them and that we wont be far apart anymore.

The states welcomed me home with tears,hugs and thank yous for defending the country and people. We exchanged stories and had a good laugh. Singapore sent a letter to us,which was rare since sending letters was expensive saying that he'll be returning home shortly.

My family and Laysia's family went to see Indo's independence ceremony and now his birthday is on 17 of July. As much as I hope my independence will come soon,since we're free from the Japanese,Britain came in. Again.

The first time he was here none of us Malayans minded. Some of us probably even became friends with some of the British soldiers,even though they had those high taxes and forced us to work and stuff. But this time,they weren't joking around anymore.
Text from Wikipedia
After the Japanese surrender from Malaya due to being defeated by the Allies, Malayan Union was established in 1946 by the British administration but following opposition by the ethnic Malays, the union was reorganized as the Federation of Malaya in 1948 as a protectorate state until 1957. In the Peninsula, the Malayan Communist Party took up arms against the British and the tension led to the declaration of emergency rule for 12 years from 1948 to 1960. A serious military response to the communist insurgency as well as the Baling Talks in 1955 led to the establishment of independence for Malaya on 31 August 1957 through diplomatic negotiation with the British.
Melaka's Pov
Its good that mama has come home and didn't wanna join the military again. She started to study medicine and sewing,just incase her dream to work in the medical field didnt work out.

Ever since I was pulled out of that job,I can finally act like my age. We didnt go to school yet so we learned at home. We've always been taught basic life skills and academics,but it wasnt enough. Mama always wanted her sons and daughters to be successful in life,so she thought of sending us elder siblings to a sekolah pondok.

We didnt have much since a lot of our money were stolen from the Japanese,so only Kedah and Kelantan were sent to school,because us three elder siblings are already smart and can always learn from home. Pinang and Johor were too young so Kedah and Kelantan were chosen to go. The problem was,Pahang and Terengganu still needed education so mama teleported to France and asked her if she could tutor Pahang nd Terengganu.

France accepted so theres that. Meanwhile,us elder siblings decided to go to the books for education. Our dad also came home but was working to provide for our big family. During his free time,dad teaches us some things and plays with us. But then,Britain came in again. This time more worse than before.

At first we didnt care much because we thought it would be like last time,but then they created this thing called the Malayan Union which pissed off the Malays(hey thats Malaysia's nickname). That brought out a new....'country' from our uncle. Mama constantly visited him after that,but prohibited us kids from coming too.

I dont know what happened but I dont think its good.

Laysia's Pov
Why...why is this happening to me! That stupid Britain! Doesn't he know the affects this union have on me?! Malay constantly visited me even though I told not too,as this new version of me might harm her. I already had E.M(Empire Malaysia if u dunno) in me,and we always talked but another one?! I cant stand it. Help...



Im sorry my son. I wished none of this has happened. If only we could be one happy family again...

B-bonda? Where are you going?!

I woke up sweating. I saw my mother. Its funny how a grown man still cries out to his mom. I miss her.

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