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I promise to lock you safe in my embrace forever."

"Jungkook", she mumbled, while her long, slender fingers grazed down her wedding dress. She twirled, jumped, skipped steps.

She took off her denim jacket and threw it across the room, dashing towards her bed and jumped on it like a little, excited girl, hiding her face in her pillow, trying to muffle the screams of joy.

20 is a tender age but she chose to carry on with the responsibility of being an ideal wife. She was talented, intelligent, had passion for her dreams, but slowly with time she had realized, more than anything, she was craving for love.

She had a lovely boyfriend, but he failed to make her feel the way she wanted.

People would call her cruel, some would even call her foolish, but she was hell bent on leaving behind the things she couldn't live anymore with.

Her life appeared lavish, full of everything to keep someone contended. But only if the others knew the truth.

She was very eager to know how it feels to be loved, cared and admired by someone. And without any second thought, she agreed for the arranged marriage.


She walked down the aisle, gripping onto her dad's arm, and all the attention in the room went to her. She was pretty, way too pretty. She had the smiling bambi eyes, arched smile and lustrous red tinted cheeks. Her fragrance was addictive, peaches mixed with vanilla. As she took her small steps, closer to the stage, her charisma fell off her slim body, as pearls in the deep ocean.

Her white off shoulder gown matched the slow and steady ambiance of the hall, the black and white romance. Her fingers held on to the bunch of her favorite white roses, her heels clicked the tiled floor, and damn sure she had become a church crush of the young boys standing amidst the audience.

Her hazel blue eyes were glued to the floor, she was afraid of the attention she was getting or maybe she was intentionally ignoring it all just for the attention of her man. She felt cussed at the roaring applauds, gripping onto the fabric of her wedding dress, feeling her heart throbbing against her ribs, like crazy.

The 23 year old young man shot his head up once he felt her walking closer to him. And his heart skipped a beat. He clasped his hands tightly, the nervousness was taking a toll of him. His lips curved into a warm smile as she stood closer to him and he gently took her hand into his, staring at her as if there was no tomorrow. He forgot how to blink.

He found himself at loss of words meanwhile his eyes kept on gazing her. A sudden heat flared between them as she passed him a quick glance, making an eye contact for less then a minute.

He was surprised at how his internals were feeling all giddy just because she looked at him.


" I Jeon Jungkook, take you, Shin Y/N, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Nervous. The only word which could possibly describe her state at the moment. So nervous that she wanted to disappear into thin air. But she flinched as he pressed his warm, soft hand over hers, bringing her back to reality. She titled her head and there he was standing, giving her an assuring smile. And at that very moment she knew, it was the prettiest smile in the universe, made only for her.

"I...", she paused for a while and looked at her parents who were standing with the rest of the audience with unreadable expressions.

A wave of guilt rushed in her body as she gulped the lump and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, " Shin Y/N, take you, Jeon Jungkook, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us.. part."

I let you in my heart.

"I now pronounce you two as husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

As if he had been waiting for this moment for so long. Jungkook bent forward, gently holding her wrists, gaping in her eyes. His pink lips curved into his best smile, the cheeks blushed at the thought of feeling her close. He sighed deeply, asking for her permission, just like a gentleman.

The lips felt so smooth when they landed on hers, melting her in his scent in an instant. He deepened the kiss, wrapping his hands around her tiny waist as she hung her small hands around his torso.

He broke the kiss and wiped the tears that were resting at the edge of her Bambi eyes, "I hate to see tears in your eyes, I love you and will continue to love you even if you want me to hate you. You are a part of me now, I'll embrace you with all your wounds and flaws."


He held her waist gently, pulling her closer to him, and smiled facing the camera. She stared, like a lost kid, in his black oceanic orbs, finding herself already drowned. And she knew she didn't want to be saved.

What are you doing to me?

Her hands reached out to his cheeks, gently caressing them, making him feel his legs wiggle. He closed the eyes, taking a deep breath, taking notes of her scent.

"Thank you Jungkook for loving me", she whispered. The air was so pleasant. The moon was so beautiful, witnessing a young love. He smiled warmly, crashing her frail body in his embrace, "Never say that again honey, meeting you was my fate and loving you is my choice."

His huge hands hid hers in them, softly. He walked  to his car, bidding a final farewell before leaving with the love of his life. The moonlight was falling partially on her. Her features were shining brighter than any diamond.

She was his precious jewel.

"Take care of her Jungkook", his mother commanded, he chuckled under his breath, his lips curved into a sly smirk.

"I will, she is mine now." His voice was so authoritative. It was so addictive to hear him call her his.

"Our Jungkook has grown up so much Yoongi", Jin jawed. His voice was mellow, rich and expressive. But his eyes? They were looking at his younger brother with all the adoration he had in store for him.

He laughed heartily, and pushed his hair back, "Yeah you are growing old."

"It's your wedding day else I would have crushed your dick and threw it away", Jin patted his back, emitting a fake cough. His elegant fingers pushed their way through his lustrous hair and he stepped towards her, "He is wild in the bed."

Her eyes widened, like saucers, and a pink hue painted the rosy cheeks. The air suddenly turned hot.

Jungkook stepped in, pushing Jin by his chest, "You are scaring her hyung." He turned to look at her, "Don't worry. I will always be waiting for your consent."

"Let's go", he whispered in her ears as her eyes beamed joy, "to our home honey."

  - - -

It all started well then where did it actually go wrong that now we both are standing on the edge of the cliff, fearing to fall apart at any second.

What did our relationship lack? Was it just trust or was it destroyed by our ego?

We had promised to go through the pain together then why did we start to give each other pain together?

You had promised to love me even if I wanted you to hate me but promises are meant to be broken, I guess?

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