24: Road To Freedom

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A/N: Since I only got one vote and many random comments the story will stay the way it is,with SingaMalay and a single Indo👁️👄👁️
Malay Pov
Eventually,protest after protest,Britain finally stopped the Malayan Union,and we haven't seen Laysia's dark side ever since. I called my friends Phil,Indo and my brothers(one at a time ofc. And yes,they had phones in Malaysia at that time already. It was introduced since the 19th century or so).

We talked about things that were happening in our lives. Indo was enjoying his independence,Phil and Ame had thier kids taken care of and apparently she's studying medicine,like me but at a university. Since she worked as a temporary doctor for injured soldiers she wanted to pursue the career of working in the medical field.

Aussie and New Zealand are trying to make better terms with Britain. Ame didnt really like that much because Britain did colonised many countries including his little sister. But Phil insisted he make good terms with his dad as they are father and son.

Canada didnt say about him much. He got a job was pretty happy. He was sad his little sister got colonised by his dad twice. He said he talked with Britain about letting my country go but Britain refused. "Its fine. His stubbornness will never change anyway" I said. "Mhm... I hope I get to see your independence day" he replied.

After he said that,I now crave for independence. A lot. After countless battles,I now realise the importance of gaining independence. No country should be controlled by another. But after seeing the ways other countries had gained independence,I hope mine doesnt involve blood spill.

My prayers were answered.
Text from Wikipedia
A serious military response to the communist insurgency as well as the Baling Talks in 1955 led to the establishment of independence for Malaya on 31 August 1957 through diplomatic negotiation with the British. Tunku Abdul Rahman became the first Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Laysia's Pov
I couldn't belive it. I get to see my country's independence. Its February 1956 and we just came back from London. Yes,I went on that trip for some reason. We were promised independence on the 31st of August next year. It felt nice and honoured to go on that trip since the prime minister was also there!

I've never rode a ship that hasn't anything to do with war in centuries. I remember the last time I rode a ship for fun was when I was a little boy,and my dad went fishing with me. It was more of a little boat than a ship actually. It was a sunny day,the wind blowing in my hair. Bonda and Malay were at home,probably making a new carpet to sell. Ayah and I had a great father-son bonding time. We caught-

"Hey! We're here!" One of the guys that came called out to me. We've finally arrived home. Tunku Abdul Rahman went out of the plane first,and he looked very happy. The crowd that came to see us return cheered with joy. Nesia greeted me and we had a celebration with my sister's family too.

"We're finally independent!" Melaka cheered. "Actually,we need to wait till August next year to be independent" Singa pointed out. "Hey,I met Britain in London. He tried to put on a serious face but he also looked a little glad and happy back there" I said to Malay.

"Oh really? Did he say anything about our independence?" She asked. "No,just that when we went out of the office he smiled and looked glad"

I could see my sister smile. We're glad everything's ok. Even though the Malayan Emergency is still around.
( The Malayan Emergency lasted for 12 years from 1948-1960)
Third Person Pov
People from across the peninsula came to Dataran Merdeka to see the declaration of independence on 31st August 1957. Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman and many other important people from other countries came. The English family,the Aseans and some statehumans also came to see the big day. But when theres a big day theres funny chaos.

Running around the house,the Malay family hurried to get ready and look their best for the big day. "Guys,no need rush. We can teleport remember?" Negeri 9 said. "But this is the day we've been waiting for years! Our prayers have been answered and now we gotta go now!" Melaka said as he struggled to find his tengkolok. "Looking for this?" Singa said as he held the tengkolok in his right hand.

"A-ah,thanks dad!". "You're just like last night. You couldnt sleep and insisted we go to see the Union Jack get taken down and-" "Get replaced with mom's flag?" Melaka cut Singa off. "True".

"Hey! Lets go now!" Selangor said. Everyone was happy and were looking very handsome and pretty. "We have to wait for Kak Sarawak to get here! We promised each other" Pinang whined. "Ah,they'll be there. Dont worry" Malay reassured her daughter. Johor can now walk and a new child has been added. Perak. A little 9 month old baby. "Lets go now!" Melaka practically dragged Singa out of the door.

Then the family teleported to KL. The scene there seemed festive. Adults and kids of many ages surrounded the dataran. Someone was even selling little Jalur Gemilang flags.

Laysia's Pov
"Ma,look! Its you!" Kedah teased. Malay shook her head in amusement. "Alright,lets go in now". There were so many people inside. Humans of different races came together. We sat together in the back row right next to our friends that came. "I cant belive it! Our little sister has finally gained independence!" Canada cheered. "True! Im glad dad allowed this to happen" said Ame. "Speaking of dad,where is he?"

We looked around and found Mr.Britain sitting in the front row. "He seems really happy. I guess he really does still love me" I heard Malay whisper. "Dad still loves you as a daughter you know? Why dont we talk to him after this" New Zea said.

"Look! The prime minister!" Selangor pointed to the front where the prime minister was standing at. "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!(Independence! Independence! Independence!)" Tunku Abdul Rahman cried out after his speech. The crowd cheered with joy,repeating his words. "Merdeka!"
Malay's Pov
After the ceremony,like promised me and my brothers went to find Britain. I know,I still call him by his name instead of dad like how I used to. But its hard forgiving someone who colonised you for years. But after today,I knew I still loved him and he still loved me. So Im going to talk to him. For the first time in a very long time.

Dad was sitting at the bus stop looking at my flag that was blowing in the wind. The flag that replaced his. "Dad?" I grabbed his attention. He looked at me. "What did you say?" "I said 'dad?'" I repeated. Then we hugged. For the first time in a long time. "Im sorry...I was selfish and mean a-and I hope you can forgive me" he said between tears. "I forgive you,dad" we cried some more.

We went to his house and we had a family dinner like we used to years ago. We had mom's best cooking that tasted better since...we're together again. Im....


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