Introduction.. or not

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I stood there, leaning against the wall, calculating my situation, and drawing conclusion after conclusion, searching for the best one. This lasted quite a while, if I had to guess I'd say about 10 minutes of pondering.

Until my thoughts were abruptly interrupted.

By a half black half white bear.


"Are you gonna leave this room or not? Everyone else has met each other already and I'm getting impatient!"


"Yes, others! Does that make you want to leave? Good; Talk to them! We need to progress this already!"

"I understand, but one question. What are you?"

"I am Monokuma! Now go, hurry up."

"That's who you are, not what. You're not a real bear. You must be mechanically programmed. And quite advanced too, if we can have back and forth conversations like this."

"I am MONOKUMA! Now leave before I make you!"

So no answers.

I understand why my captor would be cryptic, but that doesn't make it any less irritating.

I begin to walk out of the room, opening the door. Before I allow it to close behind me, I look back at the room to cast another glance at the bear.

It was gone?

What the hell is going on?


I make my way through the hallway slowly, making sure to do my best at memorizing and mapping the place, as well as looking for anything suspicious around this so-called school.

The only thing out of the ordinary is the fact that a large portion of the hallways appear to be overgrown with plant life. I assume it's an old building, which had not been well taken care of, or abandoned.

After only a few minutes of walking, I found someone else. She had long blond hair, and wore quite the revealing outfit.

I have to admit, she was attractive... even if her next words provided some insight to a somewhat ugly personality.

"Hey! Pooichi and piano girl! There's another titless bitch over here!"


I'm not hurt personally by her comment, but I didn't expect that.

"Really? Shuichi lets go talk to her, c'mon. We have to meet everyone and work with them in order to escape this place!"

"Ah, um, alright."

Socially unconfident type, and an enthusiast, great pair.

"Hello! I'm Kaede Akamatsu! The ultimate pianist. Pleased to meet you! Go on, Shuichi, introduce yourself." She nudged him in his side gently.

"I, um, I'm Shuichi Saihara. I'm the ultimate detective, for some reason." He tilted his hat down and looked to the side while talking, then shifted his gaze completely downward after he finished.

Ultimate detective. I think we would work well together in this situation.

"Y/N. I'm sorry, but I would rather not openly share my identity in a situation like this. I'm yet to know the boundaries of our imprisonment. Don't take it personally."

"Oh. That's okay!" Kaede understood the skepticism, but took slight offense to not being trusted.

"You're actually a bit late to the party! I'm not sure if you've seen any of those scary robot things, but some bears popped up near them, and told us we could explore freely and interact with all the other ultimates until further notice. But there appears to be an incredibly large cage, or dome around us. There's no clear escape, but I'm sure we can find one somewhere!" She explained further

"Thanks for filling me in, and you seem like a very kind person. But I think goggles over there is bored of our conversation and wants to talk to you."

"Hey! My name is Miu Iruma, the gorgeous girl genius! I'm the ultimate inventor. You have permission to praise me."

"Ultimate inventor? That actually seems really cool. What types of things have you invented?"

"That's for me to know, and you to beg me to tell you!"

"Ah- well I don't think I'll do that, for my own self respect."

She looked to the side twirling her hair. She looked embarrassed. I slightly feel like she might be projecting with her harsh words.

"I will say I think your talent is cool. And you are.. quite pretty."

She looked forward and pointed at me.

"Ew I'm not gay! And you don't need to tell me I'm pretty, I already know I'm gorgeous!"

"Moving on. Shuichi I would like to talk to you later personally, if that's alright with you."

"Ah-" He clearly wasn't expecting his name to be spoken, nor for the conversation to narrow in on him. "I, uh, yeah. Sure."

"Perfect. Don't trouble yourself looking for me. I'll find you later. Now I assume there are more ultimates, and I would like to meet them. Goodbye for now."

"See ya Y/N!" Kaede shouted a temporary goodbye.

"Later flat-ass." Another snarky remark from Miu.

Shuichi did not respond.


I turned down the next corridor and saw more classrooms on either side of the wall. I heard noise coming from the far left room, and so I entered to see a short haired girl talking to a casually dressed green haired guy.

Her uniform was a sort of maid outfit, although it has its own few touches too. I thought the spiderwebs complimented the headpiece especially. She was clearly very maturely mannered.

In a comparable fashion, the guy seemed to hold a sense of responsibility and overwhelming confusion. It was clear by his facial expression that he had never ending questions, but his body language spoke confidently on the other end of the scale.

I didn't want to interrupt them, but I picked up a few things from them. Conveniently, those things were exactly what I would need to obtain from an introduction.

This guy has nearly no concerns for his well-being. He doesn't seem to care about what's happening.

They were discussing their confusion behind the motivations of the culprit behind this mass kidnapping.

The points were well made. It won't be easy to escape. They obviously put lots of effort into getting us here, they wouldn't make it easy to leave. And why would they provide us with so much space and entertainment when we're imprisoned?

The girl's name was Kirumi, the ultimate maid, although I didn't catch her last name. The guy, Rantaro Amami, however, did not remember his talent.

I did hear the mention of "monopads", whatever they are, and not knowing where they came from. If it's something everyone had it must be important.

I left the room and checked the pockets, which my skirt fortunately had, and lo and behold, I had a monopad.


I had two

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