Introductions.. still

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I thought that was strange. I mean they only spoke about having 1 monopad. I decided it was something I could investigate later. I had to keep my priorities straight.

In a nearby classroom, I encountered 3 more of the ultimates. That brings the tally to 9 now.

A well spoken guy with long hair, and a clearly large vocabulary was speaking to two other people.

One was remarkably short, and demonstrated assurance, yet he also had a saddened blank face.

The other was a girl with long blue hair and round glasses. I couldn't infer much about her body language. She had average posture and thought to herself with her finger in the air. It was a little obnoxious.

The two boys had shifted their gaze towards me immediately upon hearing the classroom door open. The girl however was not so quick to realize.

After a few seconds of suffocating stalemate, I spoke.

"Hello. I'm Y/N. I would be pleased to meet you if we weren't in such an unwelcoming situation."

"I am Korekiyo Shinguji. Pleasure to be your acquaintance. My talent labels me as the ultimate anthropologist. Now I'm sure you would like to hear the others' introductions."

"Ryoma Hoshi. Ultimate tennis player. Don't ask me about it though, I'm done with that." He spoke like he carried weights on his shoulders.

"I guess it makes sense to leave the most plain introduction for last. I'm Tsumugi Shirogane, the ultimate average cosplayer."

I already didn't like her much. Something about the way she expressed herself was just... too emotionless, in a way.

Her boredom seemed empty and plain, there was no personality or any sort of emotion behind anything she did. Even people who had trouble expressing emotions appeared sad when they kept their faces straight.

I won't hold it against her, though. I'm not that kind of person.

I appreciated the sophistication Korekiyo seemed to have, and Ryoma was a character I would like to learn more about, if I have the chance.

"Thanks for the introductions, but I'll be leaving now. I have more people to meet. See ya."

None of them responded verbally, but the two boys responded with a nod, Korekiyos more firm and clear than Ryomas.


I found my way into a large outside area. It had quite a bit of plant life, and there were 4 more people there. 13 students total so far, as I've counted, including me.

A larger male, who was dressed formally in a brown suit despite his messy green hair, was frantically saying "Gonta is gentlemen! Gonta no hurt anybody!" to a girl with 2 long dark green pigtails, and green hair accessories resembling leaves. She was standing protectively in front of a shorter girl with a witch hat and a red bob cut.

I was unsure of who he was referring to when he said "Gonta is a gentleman" but there was another girl attempting to break the conflict, all while keeping a cheery demeanor.

She had beautiful long silver hair in pigtails. Wow, pigtails are popular here. She was wearing a yellow cardigan over her more tropical attire.

"What's happening here?" I interjected.

"Atua told me there would be another person! I knew you would arrive sooner or later!" The girl in the cardigan responded cheerfully.

"This degenerate male was getting too close to Himiko!" The green-haired girl shouted aggressively.

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