The +1

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Oh my God! Was that really necessary? I thought it was a joke!

It was a joke, for the audience!

You know very well that's not what I meant!

It's all planned! You knew about it because we already talked about it, so don't act surprised!

I act surprised because you said it's just a joke and I thought this idea was bad anyway. What does Bradley think of me now? Do you even realize that she just said he's the best date? Have you ever thought about Bradley? How he feels about it?

Sweetie, you worry way too much!

I'm worrying too much? I just don't want Bradley to get hurt! We've had this discussion before.

He said he didn't mind. The break up is coming and it was just the perfect opportunity. Don't get upset about it and keep getting dressed. We have to go to the Critic Choice! He's waiting downstairs in the car!

Are you serious? He has to come with us, again?

Yes and now hurry up!

This is not what I had in mind. I just wanted to go to the Critic Choice Awards in LA with B. I don't like that at all!

Sarah was having trouble putting on her lipstick as her expression got even more pissed.

This won't happen again, I swear!

It's not my fault you guys were so unmanageable back then and took what felt like every opportunity to like eat each other! You both couldn't stop touching and stuff. Your image would be pretty bad now if all this hadn't happened.

Yeah I know, but I just want to live normally, at least be with Bradley!

Finally at home!

He pushed her suitcase into the hallway and turned to her so he could wrap her in his arms.

I liked the last time with you in London much more! Do you still remember?

Of course, I would never forget a moment with you! It was so magical, just the two of us.

Alone in the evening through the city, during our press tour for ASib.

His big hands stroked her back as they smiled at each other.

Oh, I forgot something!

She stopped in her position and widened her eyes a little in shock.

What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?

I did tho ... more or less. That certain ghost has been sitting next to me all evening and I'm not talking about you! I would much rather have had you by my side and not him, but-

She rummaged in her pocket and pulled something out.

I have-

She pulled out the golden bra.

I didn't think it was worth it. It was just a disgusting, planned appearance by Bobby, but he held it in his hands and got it, so-

She reached into her pocket again and pulled out something black.

Even though there are already enough in our underwear drawer, but a more personal prize?

He took the black piece of cloth from her and pursed his lips.

Yours, huh?

He grinned and then buried his nose in the piece of fabric to smell it. It was perhaps a rather strange gesture, but the fabric smelled like her. It was his absolute favorite smell, her smell.

You are the one and only best +1, too bad no one knows you are my +1 yet!

Hmmm, really too bad, but not for so long.

He traced his index finger along her neckline and carefully traced her tattoos. Her body automatically started to shake slightly and she got goosebumps.

All people will see that you are mine!

And that you belong to Me!

Hungrily and with a smile he devoured her lips. She had just enough strength to hold on to him, his touch made her weak. She tipped forward so that he had to hold her.

Hey don't fall over.

I'm just-you're making me weak.

They both laughed.

That bad?

No, that good!

She kissed him again and played with his hair.
He would need a minute just holding her and looking at her. She was so beautiful and just the thought of her choosing to be with him made him the happiest man.
His hand caressed her face so gently, as if it might break at any moment. Her eyes were closed at that touch. He was always so gentle and so loving with her.

I hope you know that I was only thinking of you? Well I mean earlier. I wanted you so much and missed you!

The hairs on the back of my neck are still curly when I think about how I wasn't the one who got to hold your hand.

But you get to hold it now! All the rest of the day! If it were up to me, all the time.

Bradley smiled shyly and took her hands in his. She had such small hands and such thin fingers that he could easily enclose them with his huge hands.

How about we order something to eat now and then we watch another movie? We let the evening end nicely, is that ok?

That sounds like a very nice plan, my favorite plus 1!

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