A little more trust

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As I opened the exit doors, I saw Shuichi standing about 10 feet from the main building doors, standing near a post of sorts. I began to approach him and we made eye contact while I walked towards the post.

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, someone spoke before me.

"Hey there Mr Detective! And you too Y/N. What's this secret meeting here about hmmmmm?"

"Not your business."

"Oohhh so it IS a secret. Let me guess let me guess! One of you is asking the other out!"

We stared at him with perplexed expressions.

"Hmmm so that's not it. Oh I know! One of you is DEFINITELY committing a murder, or at least was planning to before I showed up."

"If that were the case, why would we ever even admit to that?"

"Ooooh you see that Shu Shu? She was definitely planning to kill you. I knew you were scary Y/N! Didn't I tell you to remind me to stay away from you?"

I could only stand still with slightly wide eyes. I know he's not serious... but is there a point to what he's doing right now?

"Good thing I showed up! Man, you really owe me one Shu-Shu!"

"I- why are you- calling me all those.. uh, nicknames.."

"Or more importantly, why do you feel the need to interrupt our conversation with pointless words. You've been rambling this whole time."

"Alright fineee I'll tell you. Soo I kind of saw you guys talking outside of Shuichi's dorm when I went to my dorm, and I heard you ask him to meet you. I didn't stick around after that, but I decided to come over here to make sure Mr. Detective was safe. It was all just for you Saihara!"

"I, uh.. why did-"

I cut him off

"Right. Now tell us the real reason."

"Fine. You're so pushy. So I heard you say something about wanting to talk about something specific. Now obvviouslyyy that meant it was important. I wanted to be kept in the loop."

I considered for a moment if he was trustworthy.

Well I mean it's only my talent for now.. and he was persistent enough to be here in the first place. The only issue was he always seemed to just not care about any consequences. The sarcasm was a little bit entertaining, but it's too much when he can't even make his intentions or requests direct.

I mean maybe that means he wouldn't be direct about telling anyone my talent. I'm sure I won't be able to talk to Shuichi without him here anyway, so I give in.

"Alright, fine then. I was going to tell Shuichi here about my talent, and I was going to give him a request."

"Woohoo! Does that mean I get to know your last name too?"

"I suppose so?"

"Well then stop stalling and get explaining."

"I wasn't stalling... ugh whatever."

"My full name is Y/N L/N. And I'm the Ultimate Informant. This means I have other skills to help me do that, such as stealth, agility, and acrobatics are necessary as well."

Shuichi looked up and made direct eye contact with me.

Kokichi leaned forward with a sparkle in his eye.

"Wow you're, like, super perfect to join my organization! You should totally join it!"

"Are you serious about that? And I was actually thinking earlier, It wouldn't be unlikely that we had worked with or against each other before we came here. Same with you Shuichi."

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now