Berlin 2

189 10 3

The concert was insanely beautiful!

It was, right?

Especially the view behind the stage. That's so many impressions you can use for your film! I know that it's gonna be amazing!

He stopped moving for a moment and turned to her.

In a way, it's our film. Without your help I would never be able to even try to do something like this!

She smiled shyly.

We both know how good you are!

He put his hand on her lower back and escorted her out of the hall so they could go back to their hotel. On their way home they were stopped by Gustavo. The two congratulated him on the successful concert and he invited them to dinner. Out of a spontaneous feeling, Bradley agreed, which possibly turned out to be a mistake afterwards.
They were in the car on the way back, sitting close together and holding hands.

You know we have to fly back later already? Like, today.

Yes, of course.

I also have to pack our bags.

I'll help you.

She frowned a little.

That's very sweet of you, but I think you wanted to go to dinner? We can't do it in this short time, B.

Then I'll tell Gustavo it's not gonna work. I have no time because we're gonna going back. I think he will understand.

No, you go, and I'll pack all the bags. I have to call Bobby, Sarah and Freddie about the outfits anyway.

I don't want to go there without you, though!

He had a pout.

I'm sorry, I should have asked earlier. I didn't even think about it! Don't be mad at me?

I'm not mad at you, you weirdo! I just wanted to clarify the whole situation.

She laughed and stroked his cheek with her palm.

Go and have dinner with him. I'm sure Gustavo can tell you some more, it will definitely help you and it's interesting. Maybe you can take Lea with you, then I can pack our bags in peace and she might sleep on the plane, too.

Are you sure?

Yes B!

Are you really sure it's okay?

She gave him a kiss.

It is more than ok!

The car stopped and they got out. When they arrived at their hotel room, Stefani flopped down on the bed.

I can hardly believe that in less than 20 hours we'll be at the Sag Awards together.

Bradley dropped down next to her and smiled.

It's going to be amazing, but also so hard because I can't kiss you!

He took her face and pulled it to his.

Of all these people to pretend we haven't seen each other in a long time. It's going to kill me not to look at you or be next to you all the time.

Just as she pulled in for a kiss, the door to their hotel room opened and they heard a loud, cheerful voice come into the room.

We're back!

Before anyone could do anything, Lea climbed onto the bed and lay down between the two adults.

Hello sweetie!

The nanny gave them a quick nod and then disappeared. Stefani kissed Lea's little hands and had an even wider smile on her face.

How was the time with Nanny? What did you guys do? You had fun?

Bradley turned on his side and looked at his two girls.

Nanny explained that it's Carnival soon. Everyone dresses up and eats candy! Can we have Carnival too?

Of course we can. A costume party at home, hmm what do you think about that, B?


He gave his little girl a kiss on the forehead.


Yes Papi?

Are you coming with me, later? Gustavo invited us.

Yes! - Can I have pancakes then?

I don't think you'll get pancakes for dinner here, but how about some fries?

French fries!

I think that sounds like a yes.

Stefani giggled. The three of them snuggled on the bed for a while longer and then slowly got ready. Bradley and Lea took a quick shower before they left and Stefani was already starting to pack everything up.

It's already about 9 o'clock. I think you guys need to get going?

We're coming!

The bathroom door swung open Bradley came out in a shirt.

Can you help me with her hair? She really wants a braided pigtail, but I can't get it done.

She couldn't help but giggle. It wasn't often that he admitted he couldn't do something, but the look on his face told her he was at the end of his rope.

Yes, I'll finish her off. Keep getting dressed, it's cold!

Yes, mom ...

She stopped in her movements and turned around. A grin grew on his face.
Before she could say anything, he had silenced her by putting his lips on hers.

You are so- I have literally no words! Now hurry up!

All right, all right!

About twenty minutes later, the two were on their way to the restaurant. It was just three streets away, so easy to reach on foot.
Stefani was on the phone with Bobby. On her flight out, she had brought her dress that she would wear to the Sag Awards, but they had forgotten Bradley's suit. That meant Bobby still had to find a suit for him.

Are you inside? Ok go up to our bedroom. In the closet on the right. No. Bob, I said right!

She rubbed her forehead.

Just don't ask. Ignore the drawer. There's a black suit hanging in the left closet. Yes. I told you not to ask questions. Just close the closet and bring the suit. Thank you.

Stefani tucked her cell phone between her shoulder and ear so she could keep packing.

Can you tell Freddie to get a blonde wig? I can't possibly go there with this dark approach. Thank you, you're a sweetheart! Yeah those two should be back in about an hour. I'm still packing Lea's things. The driver will take us to the airport and in about two hours we will be in the air.

She folded a few of Lea's shirts and put them in a small suitcase.

Yes of course. See you!

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