Looks like it started

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I sighed when I saw Shuichi was not in the dining hall.

I need to look for him, I want to ask him if he has any idea what Kokichi's up to, or if he has made any suspicious observations.

He's likely not in his dorm, because Kaede wouldn't allow him to go back when the day just started. He's probably hanging around somewhere with her.

I'll check the game room first, then the garden. If they're not there I'll look in the gym, and library. Although I guess it would make more sense to check the library right after the game room since they're right next to each other.

I made my way down the stairs of the main building into the game room. I saw Rantaro and Tsumugi there, and greeted them before heading off into the library.

I knew, thanks to my talent, it was almost never a good idea to shout and draw attention when first entering a room on any mission.

Good thing I didn't do that here. I entered the library quietly and saw Kaede and Shuichi taping up cameras around the library. Specifically, they were pointed at the entrances and a certain bookcase.

Obviously they aren't planning a murder. If they were, they wouldn't be working together, as one of them would have nothing to gain, and everything to lose. Not to mention it would be foolish in this situation to photograph a crime.

I pulled out my survivor perk monopad and looked at my map.

There must have been a reason they were monitoring this bookcase.

Sure enough, the bookcase aligned with the out of place, large room attached to the library.

Seeing as it's hidden, it must be related to whoever is organizing this group kidnapping. Kaede and Shuichi must've come to the same conclusion. Judging by the sensor attached to the camera, they must be motion detected, in order to catch anyone who enters no matter when they enter.

I stealthily entered the library, avoiding their vision. I wanted to check out this door, but I can't do that if I try to enter the library after they leave and enable the camera.

I hid myself in a pile of books and waited...

~~ about an hour later ~~

Finally, I hear descending footsteps and a closing library door. I wait another 5 minutes or so before exiting my book pile, not wanting anyone to hear it collapse.

After exiting, I slowly make my way towards the door. I navigated avoiding the gaze of the camera, staying close to the shelves and ducking when I needed to pass it.

It'll catch me when I look at the door anyway, unless I disable the camera first. That's what I need to do first.

After a simple flick of a switch the cameras were off, and I was free to approach the bookshelf. I looked around it to find how to open it. I decide to just pull it and sure enough it opens right up.

There's a door, black and white, with a card reader on the side.

This is without a doubt related to monokuma, and so whoever's pulling the strings, the mastermind we'll call them, is or has been here.

I try swiping my survivor perk monopad through the reader, hoping for a stroke of luck to let me in.

It was a foolish hope to have, but I needed to try it nonetheless.

After a few more minutes of observation, I couldn't come up with any other ways to enter the room.

Defeated, I head back to the camera I disabled, looking to cover my tracks. I made a foolish mistake, however, allowing my finger to brush over the sensor.

A faint alarm comes through the vent. Of course they had a way to alert themselves when something happened.

I need to act fast. Thankfully this camera should only have a picture of my finger.

I ran out the entrance to the library which was closest to the stairs, ducking under the lenses of the next camera.

Surely, it will catch my hair, at the very least.

I ran straight across the hall and behind the set of stairs, turning as I made it.

My dose of adrenaline is wearing off. As it does, I notice a horrible stench. I cover my nose and turn around expecting a trash bag or something.

What I saw was way more unexpected.

I let out a long shriek. In front of me lay Ryoma's dead body.

Tied up, bloody, and wide eyed. His throat had been slit, and his mouth had been gagged.

I backed up out of the corner behind the stairs, sitting against the wall around that corner.

I'm waiting for someone to find me here. Shuichi and Kaede should be here soon, because they were already going to the library thanks to the alarm.

I took those few long seconds to regain my composure. I stood up, and brushed off my skirt.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and step beside them to wait.

They ran past me at first, presumably trying to go straight into the library to catch whoever was there, before stopping mid run and turning to me.

"Y/N? What are you doing standing here at the stairs?"

"... I found a body.... I'm the one who screamed." I directed my gaze away from the pair, I did not want to make eye contact right now.

"Going with the classic method of pretending to find the body huh? I knew you would be the first to kill!" A familiar irritating voice rang behind me.

"Now is not the time for your games Kokichi! Someone is dead!"

"Yeah yeah whatever. Never expected you to be someone so freaked out by a body. You probably..." he glanced at Kaede and stopped himself. At least he's not interested in revealing my talent? "Never mind. Anyway.. who was it that kicked the bucket? And where are they?"

"It was Ryoma.. and he's right behind the stairs."

Kokichi walked right down the short path, and turned to face the corner the body was in.

"Ugh it really smells. Hey Detective! Come look for clues or something!"

Shuichi was cringing, but he complied nonetheless. As he walked over, an announcement played over the speakers around us.

"A body has been discovered! Everyone gather at the descending staircase by the library!"

Less than a minute later, everyone had gathered around us.

An investigation has started.

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now