Author's Note

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Hi Everyone! 

I just wanted to put a quick note before the story. I hope you all enjoy this story, it is purely a figment of my imagination and if it bears any similarity to another, I apologize. Simply, I am writing the story I wished to read yet couldn't find. The only other thing I have to say is this: please don't use my story for your personal use or gain. Feel free to message me to ask for permission, just please don't use it without asking. Also, this work is mine and mine alone. Please don't steal my work, I would imagine it would be just as much work to go and copy an entire story compared to writing your own. Thank you so much for your understanding! And please, enjoy the story! Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. I can take criticism but please don't be rude to me or other people, especially others. 

Thanks again and enjoy! 

-M. Elizabeth

All pictures are courtesy of Pexels; none of them are mine.
Also please note that this book has some content that may make people uncomfortable, including but not limited to: mentions of rape, abuse, drug and alcohol addictions, and swearing. If you know anyone struggling with rape or abuse, please reach a hand out to them. There are always people who are willing to help, you just need to speak up. Thank you for your understanding.

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