An investigation

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Shuichi and Kaede were looking closely at the crime scene.

Kokichi was.. being a nuisance? He was pestering people with meaningless questions.

And he has the audacity to ask me "And why aren't you helping with the investigation? You're being suuuuper useless right now."

"I'd be out of line to try and do any sort of detective work. The only thing I could do now is key in on everyone's behavior during the investigation."

"Well why is that?"

"My talent is only useful before people die.. I simply am helpless now."

"You're really gonna let your talent be the only thing you're good at? My talent makes me good at committing crimes, not catching them!"

"Yeah, and you're not helping with the investigation either."

"Aw c'mon I thought you were smarter than that."


"My questions may seem useless, but the smallest inconsistencies in their answers means they're lying about that detail! Even the smallest lies can lead to a big reveal."

"I never thought about it that way."

"Oh no! I've revealed too much. Now you know my secret methods!"


"I've actually already figured out the culprit!"

"What? How? And who?"

"This would be no fun if I just gave you the answers! You're supposed to be an informant anyway. Go drag some information out of people and catch them in their lies. I'm sure you and the detective could figure it out easily on your own, never mind working together."

I sighed. "I almost forgot you were Kokichi for a second."

"Nishishi have fun catching a killer!"

There's no way he figured out the killer already... He's probably lying to get out of helping the investigation.

And yet I'm taking his advice anyway. I'm off to interrogate everyone.

"Hey Tenko and Himiko." what have you been doing during the past hour?"

The murder must have taken place after Shuichi and Kaede entered, and before I left, which puts us in an hour time frame. That's a small time period, this makes things much easier.

"We have been out in the garden since this morning! I was showing Himiko some aikido moves!"

"I was too tired to leave.. and I guess it was a little bit fun."

So they're vouching to have been together the entire time, that almost completely proves their innocence.

"And neither of you left once?"

"Not at all."

"That's very helpful. Thank you."

I turned around and went to look for more people to talk to.

I found Tsumugi, Korekiyo, and Kirumi talking to each other.

"I need you guys to tell me what you were doing for the hour before the body was discovered."

"Of course. We were actually all together in the game room at that time period . Rantaro was there as well." Kirumi explained.

"Well, uh, did any of you.. leave the group at all?"

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now