Trial and Error

553 17 75

After a shaky, and terrifying elevator ride, we all found ourselves in an underground courtroom.

We all went to our podiums, which were labeled with our names. Mine was directly across from Kokichi, Maki to my right with Kaito beside her, and Shuichi to my left with Kaede beside him. It was really interesting how some of the relationships formed mirrored the positioning of our podiums. It was an odd coincidence, but the posts must have been predetermined.

"We will now begin with a basic explanation of the class trial..."


"So how do we start this?"

"Does it really matter? We already know who the culprit is!" Miu shot her words with sharp edges.

"And who might that be?" Kokichi asked smugly.

"Rantaro of course!" Miu continued

Rantaro didn't get to defend himself before Tenko forced her way into the conversation.

"It was obviously Kokichi! He's the worst degenerate here!"

"I second that! He's the only person here terrible enough to do this!" Kaito agreed.

"I can't imagine anyone else doing something so terrible" Tsumugi mumbled her words.

"I have to say I agree.." I was surprised to see Kaede follow this train of accusation.

"So do I.. and I have reasoning for it." This time Shuichi spoke. If Kokichi didn't have a good defense he was surely getting voted here.

"Kokichi is the only person here without an alibi!"

"I have to disagree with that one." He calmly replied.

"What did Y/N say she was doing before she found the body? Ohh right, she didn't tell us that."

"I was in the library. And even if no one was there to see, I have proof."

Should I really expose Shuichi and Kaedes' plan? If I don't, we're all done for...

"Kaede and Shuichi set up motion sensor cameras in the library. I was investigating.. the trap."

I told a half truth and by the way Kokichis eyes quickly moved to meet mine, I could tell he knew I was lying. But he said nothing.

I guess it doesn't really matter, but I don't want to reveal my knowledge of the bookshelf door.

"I accidentally triggered the cameras just before I left and found the body. That's why your alarm went off. That's why the cameras will have pictures of my hair and hands."

Apparently I didn't need to go too far into detail, and this was enough for them. Or maybe they just really had it out for Kokichi.

Either way, why isn't the Rantaro thing being brought up again!? Everyone's hyper fixated on me and Kokichi!

"So we're all in agreement that the culprit is Kokichi then?" None other than Rantaro spoke.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"No wai-"

"Well if the trial is already wrapping up, it's time to cast your votes! Choose who you think the blackened killer is!"

I looked at Kokichi with dreadful eyes. He looked back at me with almost no emotion in his eyes. I voted for Rantaro.

"Looks like most of you voted for Kokichi! How horribly tragic.. you were wrong!"

A series of gasps left several people's mouths.

"Well.. what does that mean!?"

"It means everyone but the blackened will be executed!"

Fear struck through me, and my eyes widened. I could tell everyone else was terrified. Though, Kokichi and Maki were having no physical reactions.

"Well.. who was blackened?"

"You already know the answer! You know, since you were one of the only two people who actually voted for Rantaro. Oops! Looks like I let his name slip."

They all turned to look at him. He looked sideways and to the floor.

"Looks like the gorgeous girl genius was right again... I will be remembered for my brilliance even after death.." Miu was sniffling as she boasted yet again.

"Well how about we start the executions off with the people who voted correctly! That's gotta be awfully despairing."

"Wait- no!"

"It'sss punishment time!"

Me and Kokichi were both in electric chairs. There was a classic "lie detector" attached to him, but it wasn't attached to me. It seemed to be connected to the chairs.

Oh my god. I can see where this was going.

Monokuma started asking random questions. Questions Kokichi should have no reason to lie about. But he lied anyway.

And each time we both received electric jolts.

I wasn't sure if the machine was lying, he was lying on purpose, or if he couldn't control it.

Well, the next question provided my answer. "Do you wish you could stop?" "No." Shock

I could feel myself growing weaker, physically and mentally. I could hardly hear the last few questions as Kokichi made eye contact with me.

He mouthed something to me.

"I'm sorry." I think it was..

It's hard to tell..

It's hard to think at all ...

It's really... it's really hard..

really hard to... to..

I can't..

I can't.. stay awake longer.

I want to go to sleep.

I need to go to sleep.

I don't want to feel the shocks anymore..

I don't...

I don't wanna..

I can't... fight...

I feel myself slipping out of touch with the world. I felt myself separating until I felt, thought, heard, and saw nothing. It was over. I lost.

Haha april fools lmao

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now