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After a few minutes of stalemate, staring at Rantaro's bleeding corpse, Maki turned to head to the elevator.

Seems like nobody wanted to be the first to leave, because once Maki went, everybody else went. I'll stay down here and wait for the elevator to come back down before I get on. I want to be as far away from everyone as possible right now.

When the elevator finally came back down, I expected it to be empty. Instead, Kokichi was waiting inside of it.

He was standing off to the side, so I didn't see him until after I entered, and I turned my gaze to him after spotting him from the corner of my eye.

"What are you still doing here Kokichi?"

"..." he didn't respond at first. He just looked away a little uncomfortably as if he didn't know how to start the conversation.

Is he here to thank me? That's the only conclusion I can draw.

"Um.. If you're here to thank me, don't wor-"
My words were covered by Kokichi laughing.

"Thank you? You're an idiot!"

"What- I defended you, what are you talking about!?"

"Yeah. You did. And why did you hm? Because you wanted to trust that it wasn't me, with no reason to do so!"

"I- That's not true! That's NOT what happened."

"Is it not? I was unaccounted for that entire time! I could've easily killed Ryoma but you went and lied up a whole story to save someone you had no proof was innocent!"

"Why are you so upset about me trusting you!?"

"Oh I'm not!" He smiled calmly and rested his hands behind his head.


"I'm not mad at you for trusting me silly, I'm annoyed because you betrayed the ideals you told me you had."

"Man I really thought someone finally understood how foolish blindly believing someone is! Guess not! When you end up saving a killer that should finally set it in your heads nishishi"

How did you just go to blunt asshole to a condescending "You'll learn!" jerk?

"Why are you like this?"

I have plenty of good reasons as to why I defended you. None of which were because I trusted you. They were because I didn't trust Rantaro. I don't need to explain myself to you.

"I just hate stupid people! They always get in the way of plot progression."

"Ever see a teen sitcom? There's always one dumb character, and they always ruin everything! Makes the show soooo borrriiiing."

The elevator reached the top and the doors opened.

"I'm going to win this game! Just wait and see! You know, as long as you live long enough."

I mumble to myself as I walk back to the dining hall. "Hopefully Shuichi can figure out what's up with him, because I sure can't."

There's only 15 minutes until official nighttime.

I should just grab some of the leftovers from the dinner Kirumi made yesterday.

And so I did that, taking the plate back to my room.

What was that all about? He really just waited in an elevator so he could berate me for saving him?

How entitled of him.

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now