the only part 🤞

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*beep beep*
"Come on y/n we don't have all day!"
"Just a sec!" I laugh as I stuff the last shirt into my bag. I put on my bag as I made my way out and towards the bus. Me and my friends went away on a camping trip for a few days just as summer came around. We rented a bus for a surprisingly cheap price that we were going to use to drop everyone off. I was the last one to get onto the bus.
"There she is!" Jenny exclaimed getting up from her seat and hugging me as all my other friends cheered at the sight of me. "There are no more seats left so you'll have to sit on someone's lap" Jenny patted my back and went back to her seat, continuing a conversation with the rest of the group. I looked around to see who I would be most comfortable with sitting on. Me and ____ are pretty close, thinking about it now I would probably say he's my best friend. I made my way over to ____ and made myself comfortable. The bus started and we were on our way.
"So, how did you find the trip" I asked as the others had a conversation of their own, not paying attention to our existence. The bumpy road made the bus shuffle and jump every few seconds making everyone fall onto each other slightly. As I asked the question, one particular hole in the road threw me further up onto ____'s lap. His body shivered slightly and he threw his hand onto his mouth gently and looked to the side as his face got slightly pink.
"Mhmm it was uh g- good, it was good" We talked more about the trip and where we could go next summer. A few minutes went by as we were listening to our friends talking. The holes in the road just got bigger and kept moving me around more and more. "Fuck my life" He sighed under his breath. The ride got calmer as we arrived at one friend's house. He got off and everyone waved him goodbye.
"y/n, Lee just got off so there's a seat open if you want to sit there" Jenny told me. I got up and sat in Lee's place and started up a conversation with my friends next to me. ____ got up immediately and went to the bathroom. Around 10 minutes went by and it was just me, ____ and two other friends left on the bus. It was time for ____ to get off.
"My parents are gone for the week, anyone wanna come over and hang for a bit?" He asked, his hands gripping the top of the exit, leaning forward slightly. My eyes made their way down his body, taking in every curve and muscle that his shirt was tightly over. This is when I realised how much he's changed physically in the past month. He was always the tall, slim one but recently it's been looking like he'd been hitting the gym for some time. I wonder if he has a six-pack. ____ looked at me and saw how I was basically undressing him with my eyes, he tried to hide his smirk by looking down. I didn't notice as my mind was elsewhere.
"Nah I got a thing with my family sorry" Jenny sulked
"I have work all week, maybe next time" Sighed another voice. Everyone was busy except me.
"Uh yeah sure, I could stay for a bit. I have no plans" I said hesitantly
"Great" He grinned

_____ opened the door and we enter his house. His parents were filthy rich but he never bragged about it. He rarely ever spent his money on himself but on me and my friends instead. No one in school knew that he was so wealthy. They just saw him as some cold, obnoxious or arrogant guy that's only ever nice to his friends. Even our friends would sometimes agree with those comments. He's never acted this way to me so I can't say I know what they're talking about. Our friendship group had only existed for around three years. Jenny and I met on Pinterest and found out we coincidentally went to the same school. She has brown fluffy hair, brown eyes and always matched your energy. _____ and I sat next to each other in one of our classes and we found out we had a lot in common. The group grew as the years went by but Jenny and _____ evolved to be my closest friends. _____ had fluffy, soft hair and a contagious smile. He always smelt good and had a funny and chill personality.

We sat down on the couch, got comfy and chose a movie. I placed a bowl of sour patch kids in my lap and began eating a few as the movie started. I love the red ones.
"There are other colours in there, you know" He stated as his eyes followed the crimson coloured sweets make their way into my mouth.
"I know" I stated as I chewed them
"I hate those, the green ones are the best" He opposed. My mouth dropped, those were the ones I despised the most. I didn't even know it was humanly possible for someone to like them.
"You've got to be kidding me" I said following my disbelief, he rolled his eyes, smiled and shook his head. I continued eating all the red ones and he was eating the green. Every few minutes he reached over to the bowl on my lap. Our hands brushed against each other sometimes as we were picking out the sweets. He never reacted to it but I was starting to think it was happening too many times for it to be by accident anymore. For some reason, my breathing was intensifying and my pulse was speeding up. I felt like I was becoming overly aware of his every action and overthinking all of it. I chose to focus on the movie.
"Ugh stop thinking so much" I hear ____ mumble. I freeze and take a second to make sure that he said what I think he did.
"What?" I ask ____ nervously while eating the last of the sour patch kids.
"The main character just needs to calm down a bit, they shouldn't be thinking about something so obvious" He said while gesturing to the screen. I exhaled
"Oh, yeah. You're right" I replied before taking the empty bowl from my lap and onto the table. I continue watching the movie but was interrupted by the sudden warm feeling on my upper leg. I look down to see _____'s hand placed gently on my thigh. He had silver rings on and a matching silver bracelet that I gave him two years ago. I didn't realise he still wore it after all this time. My eyes shot up at him in confusion at the sudden intimate contact but he looked down in confusion also. _____'s eyes dart to the bowl that is now on the table and his eyes grow slightly wider in realisation
"Oh shit" He said, taking his hand back "I thought- you know... the bowl- I didn't-" His face was laced with panic
"it's ok, don't worry" I chuckled. _____'s face softened and he took a second just looking at me before turning back to the movie. His cheeks turned slightly pink whilst his face remained straight. Some time goes by and we've talked about the movie enough that we're cackling over each other's jokes. The movie finished and he screen shared a few funny videos he wanted to show me from his phone.

reader x boy best friendOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora