
529 19 31

Kokichi you fucker !

I want to sleep. I just want to be able to lay down comfortably on my bed.. this floor has managed to be the only uncomfortable floor I've slept on.

Maybe that's just because of my pounding headache.

Sadly, I cannot go rest on my lovely bed over there. Due to the fact that I actually don't like the idea of having puke all over my floor, I will have to stay over the toilet until I'm sure it won't happen again.

If Kokichi had just gotten Kirumi like he said..

What is with this place and convenient timing? Before I finished my thought I heard a knock on my door.

"Y/N? It's me Kirumi. I've been a bit worried about you all day, and Kokichi has just informed me that you are sick. I would like to help you if you'll allow it."

"Please do Kirumi-" "The door's unlocked."

Kirumi entered the room and glanced around before her eyes landed on me.

"How long have you been there?"

"Since I woke up. So like.. 9:30? I'm not sure. By the way, what time is it now?"

"It's currently 1:27 pm. You have been there for quite some time. Do you have a fever?"

"I definitely do."

"Your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been exposed to anything.. toxic? Like something from a plant, or maybe you ate something your body is irritable to?"

"I'm not sure. The only places I've been in the past 24 hours are in the library, around the halls, the garden, the trial room, and the dining hall."

"The dust from the library may be what caused the bloodshot eyes.. You did say you were hiding in a pile of books. But what could possibly have caused the actual sickness..?"

"Well I stayed in the trial room a little longer after you guys and left with Kokichi. Then I ate the food you made that was left in the dining hall. I think that's all I ate yesterday, besides breakfast."

"With Kokichi? What were you doing staying in the trial room with him."

".. he was doing his usual mini pranks. You know, being a nuisance, asking random questions. That stuff."

I don't want to tell her I lied during the trial... I'll lose credibility.

"I see.. Is it possible that Kokichi exposed you to an irritant? Or maybe someone tampered with the leftovers from last night's dinner. I'll have to dispose of the meal."

I wouldn't put it past the fucker to do that. But I don't think he did.

"Kokichi didn't do anything suspicious. So it's probably not the former."

Wait- I haven't been vomiting in between my sentences. At least that part of the torture is over.

I stood and flushed the toilet.

My stomach still hurts like a bitch though.

"So you are able to stand?"

"It hurts but yes. I stayed here because I had been constantly throwing up."

"I recommend that you sleep in your bed for a while, maybe keep a bucket nearby in case you feel unwell again."

"Will do Kirumi."

"Perfect. I'll bring you a wet cloth and some antibiotics to help."

She turned away and walked out of the door.

For the brief moment I could see out, I saw Shuichi walking, facing straight, while Kokichi followed, facing him.

Shuichi must be his favorite person.

Well Kirumi said I should sleep, and I'm exhausted anyway so might as well.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep easily.

~~The next day~~

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

Morning announcements? I must've slept all the way through to this morning...

I glance over at my alarm clock.

Noon? That doesn't make-

"A Body has been discovered! Make your way to the game room to begin your investigation!"

You're kidding...!? Another death? I don't even feel like I can climb out of bed normally..

The amount of willpower it took to force myself to roll off that mattress is immeasurable.

Well I managed to get out of bed. Now to gain the motivation to actually move and make myself presentable!

Yeah it's safe to say I ended up staring blankly at a wall questioning the very meaning and value of my life for about 10 minutes instead of doing something productive.

And it would've been longer if Kokichi didn't loudly barge into the room.

"HEY Y/N~~~ YOU AWAKE?" He dragged out my name a lot in that sentence.

"Yes. What do you want?"

"You heard the announcement didn't you? We have to investigate." He did jazz hands while he said "investigate".

".. Yeah as soon as I can get farther than a foot away from my bed I'll get right to that."

"Ugh now I have to force you? You know I wouldn't be here if Kirumi didn't threaten to not make me lunch!"

"Okay, and what does that have to do with me?"

The nicer way of saying "When did I ask?" or "I don't care".

"..Nothing. Just- Hurry up and go to the game room! Here I'll help you."

He grabbed a clean uniform, threw it at me and pushed me into the bathroom. He proceeded to slam the door as I tripped inside.

"Aggressive much!?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be waiting out here. Be quick will you? I don't want Kirumi to think I took a detour!

"I'll make sure to take extra long then."

An annoyed groan came from the other side of the door. I laughed to myself a little bit.

~~A half hour later~~

I opened up the bathroom door and walked out.

"Finally! Now can we leave? I'm bored of being near you. It's like there's an aura around you physically pushing me away."

"What the hell does that even mean-? ..Whatever. It only took a long time since I haven't showered in a bit. ..You know.. because I've been sick."

"Ew you don't shower? One more thing on the growing list of reasons to stay away from you!"

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever. At least I don't feel sick anymore.. I'm fine to go to the game room now."

"Good I can't take another minute of this!"

Kokichi proceeded to run out of my dorm, and out of the dorm building.

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!Reader (HIATUS for rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now