Episode 0 - The Idea and The Host

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   A tall woman with a short blonde bob-cut is seated at a cafe veranda. Her eyes are hidden behind red shades as her fingers tap away on her phone. Sat across from her is a decently built raven-haired man with a doubtful frown surrounded by perfectly shaved stubble.

"So... it's a reality TV show?" The man parroted the woman's earlier words about the job offer. The lady sipped her drink with a stoick look on her face as she looked up to the man across from her. "Yes, Chris, a reality TV show. And it's a big deal, a full two months of employment with Per-Diem for food and challang fundings." The woman replies while not looking up from her phone with messages and emails about the show. Looking at a couple of TikTok reels seeing all the people making fools of themselves while pitching the idea she had for the show. The two sat in silence for a moment as their waitress came with two fancy plates with baggles and scones to them and left without a word.

"I can do better than tv show" Chris retorts with a scoff.

"Chris, darling, it's been over a year since you placed third on that dumb ice skating show." The blonde diverts her attention from her phone and takes the shades from her face placing them on the table to reveal her peircing gaze. "We both know a tv show is a very generous offer. It's good enough for... Blainely O'Hallaran." The last part she said in intrest, as if she was having second thoughts of hiring him for the job. This of course pissed of the middle aged man as his eyes nearly bugged out from his sockets.

"Bitchly Fucking O'Hellish?! That Celebrity Manhunt chick?" Chris slams his hand on the table. Outraged to hear the name of the women who took his shot at being a host for a old talk show. It made the man's blood boil by the memory alone. "Don't raise your voice at me, McLean. This is a favour. I can always offer the co-host position to that other Manhunt host. The teen and under forty demographics love their dynamic." The woman straightens up her pant suit and gives Chris a stern look. Wanting to shout more Chris sighed defeatedly and sat back down and showed the charming face he was so known for. "Okay, Karen." Chris recomposes himself. "I'm just saying, I can do better than an after show. Why not give me the main show hosting position? Who has it at the moment?"

"We're thinking this Josh fellow, Australian." She shows a photo to Chris. "He's hot and people love watching him comfort the losers on the show, The Boonies."

"This chump?" Chris holds up the photo. "Sure he's hot but not as hot as this face. Not to mention the guy's supportive schtick is only popular because he was on a talent show where they push all the contestants' sob stories! This is a gritty no holes barred competition you're proposing. You need someone who knows drama and I have the lawsuits to prove I know drama. Heck, you've got 'drama' in the show's freaking name."

"The board was very keen on Josh though." Karen says in thought, mostly to herself.

"Then give him the after show spot. Blaineley will make those kids feel awful then Josh can pick the losers up whilst their down." Chris suggests

"Fine." The woman stands up. "I'll talk to the board. I'll admit this focus on the drama rather than the feel good crap studios have been putting out lately might be the edge this show needs. Of course I can't guarantee anything. Oh and if they say 'no' then you don't get the after show gig either."

"That's fine, they won't say no." Chris takes a sip of his iced coffee, which is now mostly just a watery mess after how long their meeting ran.

"I do have some ideas that will really help with this new direction too." Karen turns around and makes a phone call. "Sophie, hold off giving the camp chef position to that cute old British lady. Call back that Hatchet guy for another interview."

Chris leans back in his chair with a smug grin.

"I'm back baby."

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