Special Chapter

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(Third Person Point of View)

The fairies sang in a heavenly melody as the beautiful bride, dressed in a silver-clad fancy wedding dress with small half-moon embroidery that was personally sewn by the fashionista moon witch of the west, Ruby. Ahead of the wedding aisle were the female dwarves who are grabbing and throwing flower petals from the wooden aesthetic baskets. All the light elves, the dwarves, and the rest of the fairies stared in awe at the gorgeous bride and the soon-to-be Queen of Alteshar as she walked down the aisle, all smiles and eyes were teary. Even the Prince himself, waiting for her at the wedding arch, was all smiles, his heart beating loudly each second passed as he stares at her.

She's so beautiful, Prince Caleb thought.

The venue was near a magical lake. The surroundings were beautifully designed by the light elves and the moon witches. And as Aeryn looked around the surroundings, she can hear the birds singing along with the fairies, and flapping their little wings around the place. The butterflies are dancing along with the melody, and even the trees seemed to be so happy with the wedding as they wave along with the soft wind.

She turned to all the guests of the wedding, wearing white and pink dresses that fit the theme of the wedding, white and pink. All of them wore, either white or pink, while she wore a white dress that has some touch of gold on the embroidery pattern of the dress. She wore a sleeveless dress, with a skirt wide and thick. The man beside her was wearing a suit, with a white rose on the jacket's outer pocket.

"I guess, you're the main attraction today," Vandris whispered to her ears and she smiled.

"I don't know why Ruby made a different dress for me. It doesn't fit the theme." I said with a soft groan.

"That's because you're the golden illios, love." He replied, tucking some strands of my hair behind my ears. "The dress is perfect for you. You look beautiful."

Despite hearing those words numerous times, Aeryn smiled.
"Thank you."

She looked back at the wedding arch that was full of different kinds of white flowers. And as she moves her hand, the butterflies with different colors on their wings fly toward Sunny, hovering over her head. The bride smiled as she stood on the altar, aware of the butterflies over her.

"Don't you like the wedding venue?" Vandris asks.

"No, I like it. Why?"

"Just asking. Just wanna see how our wedding would go."

"What wedding?" She stared at him deep into his eyes trying to enter his mind, but Vandris lean closer and pinch her nose.

"Don't even think about it."

"What wedding are you talking about?"

"Our wedding," Vandris simply replied with a shrug.

Aeryn could feel at that moment that her heart could almost explode. Well, she did expect it to happen because why else would he say he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her if he's not gonna marry her, right? Aeryn looked away and sighed, hearing the wedding bells.

After the couple had exchanged their vows and kissed each other, they were officially introduced as husband and wife. All cheered, and all was happy for them that even the King himself had shed tears upon seeing his son happy with her wife. Now, after a hundred years, Alteshar will finally have their new King after the coronation day and that is something the people had wanted to celebrate after the wedding.

Vandris slightly nudge Aeryn with his elbow to get her attention and when she turned to him, he leaned towards her face and whispered beside her ear.

"Do you want to go to the ocean with me?"

The Tale of Aeryn Glaze (English Version) Where stories live. Discover now