Chapter 1

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The driver looked at the happy old couple on the pavement with a frighteningly cold glare.

She didn't like seeing them happy. Not after what they've done which costed her, her life.

Silently seething in anger, her grip involuntarily tightened against the steering wheel, her teeth grinding together with a cracking sound.

There was nothing she craved more than to wipe that smile on their face more than she'd craved going to fashion design college which she later dropped out off.

The laughter and snarls that was directed towards her at said place, fueled her drive for revenge further. The humiliation she'd endured under their hands.

It wasn't so much a revenge than was it her desire to reclaim her life back in order.

From the twisted fate that was thrusted upon her simply because.

She revved up the car's engine and glanced at the traffic lights through narrowed slits.

It was still red and according to her knowledge, it will remain that way for another 32 seconds.

She then turned her attention to the couple that was soon going to cross the road with a sick sadistic smirk forcing its way on her lips.

So close.

She was so close to claiming her life and identity back again.

The car had tinted glass so she didn't have to worry about being caught or being recognized.

It was not like anyone can prove she did anything anyways, she had that part covered.

The time she'd spent planning her revenge wasn't little, she'd get throw off track with little details.

The couple- almost like they sensed her evil plan- didn't cross the road making the smile drop. The air wrapped with a evil air she pretended the wheel to her parents' neck, suffocating them slowly by blocking their air supply- crushing their windpipe with her unbreakable hold.

Soon the traffic lights turned green.

She horned at them once, only for a teenager to cross the road and looked at her to mouth a 'thank you'.

'Fuck you.' She thought to herself, sneering in hatred, she hand balled into fist as pulsating anger flowed in her veins.

And the old couple gestured for her to leave.

Through gritted teeth she horned again, but this time a few other drivers behind her horned at her and complained.

She looked at the rear view mirror with a deadly look.

If only they could see her...

The old couple looked a little unsure and looked at each other, then decided why not with an indecisive look.

If only they knew that indecisiveness was the one thing that would cost them their life.

'Big mistake.'

The woman in the driver's seat thought with a vicious smirk.

She stepped on the accelerator immediately, shifting the gear with a dark gleam in her eyes.

It happened in a flash of a second no one realized it until it happened.

One moment the old couple, hand in hand were walking down the road. The next, a black car that blended into the night crashed into them without hesitation.

Her plan to destroy the Hunts family; phase one, succeeded.

She thought, satisfaction coursing through her veins with a proud smirk accompanying her victory, looking at the gruesome scene through the side wing mirror.

The old woman reaching out to her husband, who was unconscious with a head injury- blood pooling under his head. The injured woman repeatedly called out his name only to be met with a deafening silence before falling into one herself.

A few passerbys called 911 but no one went near them in fear of what the cops might do to them if the couple were to die.

They didn't want to be involved in a murder investigation!

And that was what happened.

A murder investigation.

Just like she had planned.

Phase two: Noah Hunt in progress.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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